Dear Mr Sweeney,
ASIC's response to your FOI request is attached below.
Yours sincerely
Mirijana Soldatic | FOI Coordinator| Chief Legal Offic...
I am seeking copies of the following documents as confirmation that Mr David Coleman MP has possession of the following documents:
(i) a copy of...
Dear Mr Drake
Freedom of Information Request – FOI 22/54
Thank you for your email to the Department of Finance (Finance) request...
Dear Mr Morrison-Francis,
Please find attached APRA's Notice of Decision dated 8 March 2022.
FOI Officer
T 02 9210 3000 | E [A...
Prior to 1 July 2019 ASIC staff were subject to the Public Service Act 1999.
Subsection 13(9) provides:
(9) An APS employee must not provide fals...
I refer to my FOI Requested of 6 April 2021.
Attached to an FOI response from Owen Brailsford (APRA) dated 21 March 2011 was a copy of an unexecut...
Prior to 1 July 2019 ASIC staff were subject to the Public Service Act 1999.
Subsection 13(9) provides:
(9) An APS employee must not provide fals...
Dear Posty
I refer to my email of 5:42pm today providing the Department of Jobs and
Small Business’ decision on access in relation to your reque...
The document I seek is a copy of a letter sent to the Commonwealth Solicitor-General sated 27 September 2016 titled: "Re: Evidence for a Royal Commi...
Attached to an FOI response from Owen Brailsford (APRA) dated 21 March 2011 was a copy of an unexecuted draft copy of a document titled “Foster’s Gr...
Dear Waldek
Freedom of Information Request FOI23/463 and FOI23/500
I refer to your requests to the Attorney-General's Depart...
Dear Thomas
Freedom of Information Request FOI23/417
I refer to your request to the Attorney-General's Department (the
The Chairman of ASIC is a member of the Board of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (formerly the Australian Crime Commission).
Dear James Smith,
During the processing of your request, it has been identified that Defence
can administratively release the followi...
Agency ref: AGOFOI23/465
OAIC ref: MR23/01375
Dear Mr Lupinski
I refer to your request...
Following public concern about the safety of their retirement “nest eggs”, the Parliament of Australia enacted the Superannuation Safety Amendment A...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Please find attached APRA’s Internal Review Notice of Decision dated 7 September 2021.
Kind regards,
T 02 9210 3000 | E...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached acknowledgement.
Krystal Fung
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy
Legal Services
Australian Securities and Inves...
I refer to a letter dated 20 July 2017 from Peter Crozier Manager Criminal Assets, Fraud & Anti-Corruption of the Australian Federal Police.
Mr Cr...
Dear CR,
Please find attached documents in relation to FOIREQ24/00508.
Please note this email contains documents 3 of 3, in relation to part 2 of...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached acknowledgement of request.
Krystal Fung
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy
Legal Services
Australian Securitie...
Dear Mr Sweeney,
Freedom of Information Request No. 110-2020
Please find attached notice of a request consultation process due to a
This is email three of four
Best regards,
Adam Ivancic
Governance & Policy
Commonwealth Superannuatio...
Dear JH
Please find attached correspondence from the Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry.
Kind regards,
FOI Contact Of...
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please see attached acknowledgement.
Krystal Fung
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy
Legal Services
Australian Securities and Inves...