Yammer Enterprise Agreement Group Deletion

Kris Jordan made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Australian Taxation Office did not have the information requested.

Dear Australian Taxation Office,

Please provide all documents created on or after 5 June 2017 which show who deleted the Yammer group called 'Enterprise Agreement'.

Yours faithfully,
Kris Jordan.

Dear Australian Taxation Office,

I note you have replied to a similar request that was submitted after mine without any response to mine.

Please confirm you received my request.

I also further add to my request that identifiers of the individual who deleted the Yammer group in question may be redacted except for their APS grade and the organisational unit they are apart of.

Yours faithfully,

Kris Jordan

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
FOI Team



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Dear FOI Team.

It is now 30 days since I made my request.

It is fairly specific and has a narrow date range.

When can I expect a response?

Yours sincerely,
Kris Jordan

FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team



    The information transmitted is for the use of the intended

recipient only and may contain confidential and/or legally

privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, disclosure,

dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in

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than the intended recipient is prohibited and may result in

severe penalties. If you have received this e-mail in error

please notify the Privacy Hotline of the Australian Taxation

Office, telephone 1300 661 542 and delete all copies of this

transmission together with any attachments.


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FOI, Australian Taxation Office

1 Attachment

Dear FOI Applicant,
Please see attachment.
Yours faithfully,
FOI Team



    The information transmitted is for the use of the intended

recipient only and may contain confidential and/or legally

privileged material. Any review, re-transmission, disclosure,

dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in

reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other

than the intended recipient is prohibited and may result in

severe penalties. If you have received this e-mail in error

please notify the Privacy Hotline of the Australian Taxation

Office, telephone 1300 661 542 and delete all copies of this

transmission together with any attachments.


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Mark R. Diamond left an annotation ()

Why is it that no one has complained about the behavior of the ATO. Having refused for 9 months to process requests filed through Right to Know, they now purport to comply with the law but do not do so. The requirement of s 15(2)(c) of the Act is that a request under FOI "... give details of how notices under this Act may be sent to the applicant (for example, by providing an electronic address to which notices may be sent by electronic communication)". But the ATO doesn't appaer to be doing that, no doubt so as to avoid the possibility that anyone might comment about such notices. Instead, they do not send the notices required by the Act to the applicant. Instead, they send a "meta-notice" (i.e., a notice about where you might find a notice) to the applicant. A complaint (in fact multiple complaints) to the Information Commissioner are warranted.

Kris Jordan left an annotation ()

The ATO does not hold the records requested.

This is because they are using an outsourced service where the data is not under their control.

Rather disappointing that the Commonwealth conducts it's business with outsourced systems that can not be audited properly.