Worksafe Victoria prosecutions of employers after injuries from 2000

Dale Webster made this Freedom of Information request to Worksafe Victoria

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Worksafe Victoria,

If possible, please treat this as an informal or administrative request. Otherwise, please treat this as a formal request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.
I am requesting documents from Worksafe Victoria that show the annual statistics from 2000 for the following:
1. The annual number of prosecution cases launched against employers by Worksafe after injuries (accepted) in Victorian workplaces;
2. The breakdown of the figures from point one into prosecutions related to physical injuries and mental/psychological injuries.
3. A breakdown showing which of the above prosecutions were successful or unsuccessful.

Yours faithfully,
Dale Webster

FOI (WorkSafe), Worksafe Victoria

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Webster

I refer to your request dated 24 March 2022, which was received by WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe) on 24 March 2022.

Section 17(2A) of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) requires an application fee to accompany a request for access to documents.

I note that you have not provided the required application fee. This is required in order to process your application. Accordingly, at present your request is not valid.

If you consider payment would cause you hardship you may apply for a waiver or reduction of application fee. Please provide evidence in support of such application. Supporting evidence may include a copy of a current concession or health care card, a bank statement, or a statutory declaration outlining why paying the application fee would cause you hardship. If you are not sure what information to provide, please contact us to discuss. We will assess your fee waiver request and let you know the outcome.

Otherwise, please pay $30.10 by 18 April 2022. Payment can be made by bank cheque, money order, bank transfer or credit card. Please find the attached FOI Payment Options for more details.

Please note if payment (or proof of financial hardship) is not received by 18 April 2022, WorkSafe will consider this matter closed. If you wish to obtain the requested documentation in the future, you will be required to submit a new FOI request accompanied by the statutory application fee.

Upon receipt of the application fee (or proof of hardship), WorkSafe has 30 days in which to notify you of its decision in response to your request.

If you have any queries, please contact me at the email address below.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Xie
FOI Officer
Corporate Legal Services 
[Worksafe Victoria request email]

Head Office, 1 Malop Street Geelong, VIC 3220


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