Who is the Cestui Qui Vie Trusts in South Australia? Required - Name, Position, Address.
Dear Attorney-General's Department,
Could you please provide the following information:
What is the full name of the person currently responsible for administering Cestui Que Vie Trusts in South Australia?
What is the position of that person?
What is the business mailing address of that person?
Yours faithfully,
Anna Avakimova
Dear Ms Avakimova
Thank you for your emailing the Commonwealth Attorney-General's department. Please advise whether your FOI request is for the Commonwealth Attorney-General's department or the South Australian Attorney-General's department.
If your FOI request is for the South Australian Attorney-General's department, you will need to redirect your email via https://www.agd.sa.gov.au/about-us/data-...
No further action will be taken unless we receive confirmation that your FOI request is for this department (the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department).
If you have any questions, please contact me by telephone on (02) 6141 6666 or by email to [AGD request email].
Yours sincerely
FOI Case Officer
Freedom of Information and Privacy
Attorney-General’s Department
T: (02) 6141 6666 | E: [AGD request email]