We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Bradley Longman please sign in and let everyone know.

We are requesting documents of the English and mathematical method for measuring a mass

We're waiting for Bradley Longman to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Department of Environment, Science and Innovation,
We are making a request to the department of innovation requesting documents of the English and mathematical method for measuring a mass.
To be clear we are not requesting the English and mathematical method for measuring a gravitational force on a mass

Yours faithfully,


Emily Fanning, Department of Environment, Science and Innovation

2 Attachments


Good morning,

Thank you for your enquiry. You have contacted Right to Information services for the Department of the Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation (DETSI). Our unit processes applications under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act).

It appears as if you may be seeking an answer to a specific question about mass. The RTI Act under which our unit operates creates a right to apply for access to documents held by an agency, but does not include a mechanism to have questions answered or to have answers to questions extracted from documents.

It is possible that another business unit may be able to assist in answering your question directly, or by providing relevant documents through administrative release, rather than through an RTI application. Accordingly, to assist you further, can you please provide more information about what you are requesting? Further information will allow me to identify the appropriate business unit that could assist you further.

Alternatively, you may choose to submit an application for documents held by an agency, under the RTI Act. Further information about submitting an RTI application is attached for your information.

If you would like to submit an RTI application, please complete the online form located at https://www.smartservice.qld.gov.au/serv....

You can also complete the attached application form, and return it by email to [email address], or by post to:

RTI Services
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane QLD 4001

The RTI application fee is currently $55.75. Once your application is received, it is assigned to a case manager and they will be in contact in the near future.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Emily Fanning
Senior Right to Information Officer
Right to Information Services | Corporate
P 07 3164 3697
203 Tor Street, Wilsonton QLD 4350
GPO Box 2454, Brisbane QLD 4001
E [email address]

Servicing the Departments of Primary Industries | Environment, Tourism, Science and Innovation | Natural Resources and Mines, Manufacturing and Rural Development | and Partners

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradley Longman <[FOI #12738 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 16 January 2025 9:06 AM
To: RTI Services
Subject: Freedom of Information request - We are requesting documents of the English and mathematical method for measuring a mass

Dear Department of Environment, Science and Innovation, We are making a request to the department of innovation requesting documents of the English and mathematical method for measuring a mass.
To be clear we are not requesting the English and mathematical method for measuring a gravitational force on a mass

Yours faithfully,



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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Bradley Longman please sign in and let everyone know.