Victorian statistics for all work-related injuries
Dear Worksafe Victoria,
If possible, please treat this as an informal or administrative request. Otherwise, please treat this as a formal request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.
I am requesting documents from Worksafe Victoria that show the annual statistics from 2000 for the following:
1. The annual number of all substantiated or accepted claims as being work-related for all Victorian Workers;
2. The number for all substantiated or accepted claims as being work-related for: "psychological injuries" and "physical injuries". The two figures will reconcile with the figures in point 1.
3. The number of all claims - that were not substantiated or accepted - as being work-related for all Victorian Workers.
4. The number for all claims - that were not substantiated or accepted - as being work related for: "psychological injuries" and "physical injuries". The two figures will reconcile with the figures in point 3.
In accordance with section 17 of the FOI Act, the department can produce a report from its database that satisfies the terms of the request.
Yours faithfully,
Julie Middleton
Dear Ms Middleton,
I refer to your Freedom of Information request, which was received by WorkSafe Victoria (WorkSafe) on 22 January 2020, requesting the Victorian statistics for all work-related injuries.
Your request did not include the required statutory application fee. Until such time as the application fee is received (or proof of financial hardship is provided), we are unable to process your request. Please forward a cheque payable to WorkSafe Victoria, attention to the FOI Team in the amount of $29.60; or
by credit card, online at
Upon receipt of the application fee, WorkSafe has 30 days in which to notify you of its decision in response to your request.
Thank you and Kind Regards,
The FOI and Privacy Team.
Head Office
1 Malop St
Geelong VIC 3220
-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Middleton <[FOI #6090 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 January 2020 7:09 PM
To: FOI (WorkSafe) <[Worksafe Victoria request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Victorian statistics for all work-related injuries
Dear Worksafe Victoria,
If possible, please treat this as an informal or administrative request. Otherwise, please treat this as a formal request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act.
I am requesting documents from Worksafe Victoria that show the annual statistics from 2000 for the following:
1. The annual number of all substantiated or accepted claims as being work-related for all Victorian Workers;
2. The number for all substantiated or accepted claims as being work-related for: "psychological injuries" and "physical injuries". The two figures will reconcile with the figures in point 1.
3. The number of all claims - that were not substantiated or accepted - as being work-related for all Victorian Workers.
4. The number for all claims - that were not substantiated or accepted - as being work related for: "psychological injuries" and "physical injuries". The two figures will reconcile with the figures in point 3.
In accordance with section 17 of the FOI Act, the department can produce a report from its database that satisfies the terms of the request.
Yours faithfully,
Julie Middleton
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