University research policies regarding self-experimentation

Mark R. Diamond made this Government Information (Public Access) request to University of New England as part of a batch sent to 37 authorities

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To the University.

I would be grateful if you would, if possible, deal with this request under administrative arrangements rather than invoking the cumbersome machinery of the Freedom of Information/Right to Information Act.

I am seeking a copy of any policy documents that your university has (most likely with your Human Research Ethics Committee [HREC], or similar) regarding research involving self-experimentation, by which I mean those projects or experiments in which the only participant is the researcher themselves.

I am particularly interested in (i) whether your university has an explicit policy regarding self-experimentation, and (ii) whether self-experimentation requires HREC review.

Yours faithfully,

Mark R. Diamond

Carmel O'Brien,

I am on leave until Tuesday 3 January 2023. Please forward your email to
[email address]


GIPA, University of New England

Hi Mark

Thank you for your email requesting information under the GIPA Act. I am happy to process your request as an informal GIPA application under section 8 of the GIPA Act.

I am authorised by the principal officer, for the purposes of section 9(3) of the GIPA Act, to make a decision in relation to your application and I have decided to grant you full access to the information in accordance with section 8(1) of the GIPA Act.

You have asked for any policy documents that UNE has regarding research involving self-experimentation.

UNE information regarding Human Research Ethics can be found at

Specifically, research involving human participants is managed by UNE's Code of Conduct for Research which can be found at

Approval for research involving human participants is granted by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The Committee uses guidelines set out in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research which can be found at

Please let me know if you require any further information.

Kind Regards


Dr Carmel O’Brien
Contracts Officer
Right to Information Officer
Legal Services
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2351 Australia

Phone 61 2 6773 3096
Email [email address]
University of New England CRICOS Provider Number: 00003G

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Dear Carmel,
Many thanks for the information.
Yours sincerely,

Mark R. Diamond