University research policies regarding self-experimentation

Mark R. Diamond made this Right to Information request to James Cook University as part of a batch sent to 37 authorities

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

To the University.

I would be grateful if you would, if possible, deal with this request under administrative arrangements rather than invoking the cumbersome machinery of the Freedom of Information/Right to Information Act.

I am seeking a copy of any policy documents that your university has (most likely with your Human Research Ethics Committee [HREC], or similar) regarding research involving self-experimentation, by which I mean those projects or experiments in which the only participant is the researcher themselves.

I am particularly interested in (i) whether your university has an explicit policy regarding self-experimentation, and (ii) whether self-experimentation requires HREC review.

Yours faithfully,

Mark R. Diamond

Dear James Cook University,

Shortly before Christmas, I sent you a request for some information. I have received neither a reply nor an acknowledgement of your receipt of my request. The request is repeated below. I would be grateful for your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,

Mark R. Diamond
To the University.

I would be grateful if you would, if possible, deal with this request under administrative arrangements rather than invoking the cumbersome machinery of the Freedom of Information/Right to Information Act.

I am seeking a copy of any policy documents that your university has (most likely with your Human Research Ethics Committee [HREC], or similar) regarding research involving self-experimentation, by which I mean those projects or experiments in which the only participant is the researcher themselves.

I am particularly interested in (i) whether your university has an explicit policy regarding self-experimentation, and (ii) whether self-experimentation requires HREC review.

Yours faithfully,

Mark R. Diamond

Craig Godfrey, James Cook University

3 Attachments

Dear Mark


Thanks you for your interest in JCU’s human research ethics policies.


JCU does not have any specific policies related to human
self-experimentation. However, being human research, it would be required
to undergo ethical review by the JCU Human Research Ethics Committee which
operates in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in
Human Research.



Dr Craig Godfrey BVSc
Manager, Animal Welfare and Research Ethics

Animal Welfare Officer – JCU Connect

Research Division
James Cook University, Australia


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Dear Dr Godfrey,
Many thanks for your reply and for the helpful information.
Yours sincerely,
Mark R. Diamond