University of Melbourne Fossil Fuel Stakeholder Mapping Report
Dear University of Melbourne,
I am writing to informally request release of the full fossil fuel stakeholder mapping project report prepared by the ACCSR. I believe this document is not exempt under part IV of the Freedom of Information Act 1982, but would prefer for the document to be released sooner without recourse to a formal application.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Matthew Clare
Dear Matthew,
The University acknowledges receipt of your email and will endeavour to
respond no later than Friday 2 December.
Kind Regards
Raffaella Di Maio | FOI Coordinator
The University of Melbourne
T: +61 3 9035 7929 E: [1][University of Melbourne request email]
My hours of work are 8am – 4:15pm
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Dear Matthew,
Please see attached.
Kind Regards
FOI Office
The University of Melbourne
E: [1][University of Melbourne request email]
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