UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) impact on law reform in Australia.

Australian Law Reform Commission did not have the information requested.

: Deborah-May: Torrens

Dear Australian Law Reform Commission,

I request documents under the FOI Act 1982, that specifically shows all provisions of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) that had a significant impact on law reform in Australia.

Yours sincerely,


Info ALRC, Australian Law Reform Commission

Dear Deborah-May

Request for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982

I refer to your Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) request, dated and received on 10 July 2024 by the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC), in which you sought documents "that specifically show all provisions of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) that had a significant impact on law reform in Australia."

I confirm that I am an authorised decision maker within the meaning of section 23 of the FOI Act.

Decision on access

I confirm the Australian Law Reform Commission does not hold the documents you are seeking access to.

If you have any questions in this regard, please contact me on (07) 3052 4224 or email [email address]

Yours sincerely

Ruth Barson
Executive Director
Australian Law Reform Commission

Classification: OFFICIAL
Classified by: [email address] on: 17/07/2024 9:24:48 AM

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