We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Andrew Brewster please sign in and let everyone know.

TTL Evaluation report

Andrew Brewster made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Social Services

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Andrew Brewster to read recent responses and update the status.

Dear Department of Social Services,

An evaluation of the TTL projects was conducted by UQ and delivered to the department in mid 2021, however the report is not available. I would like a copy of the report.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Brewster

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Government and Executive Services

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.







Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good afternoon Andrew,


Thank you for your email. In order for us to process your request we
require further information; could you please clarify what the acronyms
“TTL” and “UQ” stand for in your request?


Could you please also confirm that your request is being made under the
Freedom of Information Act?


Kind regards




Freedom of Information

Cabinet and FOI

Government and Executive Services

Department of Social Services
E: [1][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 







-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Brewster <[FOI #7883 email]>
Sent: Wednesday, 22 September 2021 10:09 AM
To: FOI <[Department of Social Services request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - TTL Evaluation report


Dear Department of Social Services,


An evaluation of the TTL projects was conducted by UQ and delivered to the
department in mid 2021, however the report is not available. I would like
a copy of the report.


Yours faithfully,


Andrew Brewster




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[2][FOI #7883 email]


Is [3][Department of Social Services request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests
to Department of Social Services? If so, please contact us using this



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:



Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.


If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





Visible links
1. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]
2. mailto:[FOI #7883 email]
3. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]
4. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/change_re...
5. https://www.righttoknow.org.au/help/offi...

hide quoted sections

Dear FOI,

TTL - Try Test Learn
UQ University of Queensland
Yes this is being made under the FOI Act.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Brewster

FOI, Department of Social Services

Thank you for your email.


You have contacted the Freedom of Information (FOI) team of the Department
of Social Services (the department).


If your email relates to a Freedom of Information application made under
the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), the department
will respond to you as soon as practicable.


Further information about FOI is available on our website at:


This email address is for applications under the FOI Act only. The
department is unable to respond to non-FOI related enquiries sent to this
email address. Any correspondence received that is not an information
access request will not be responded to or forwarded. Should you have a
query unrelated to FOI, please complete our [2]online feedback, enquiry or
compliment form on our website or direct your email to
[3][email address].  Alternatively you can contact the department by
calling 1800 634 035.


With regards



Freedom of Information

Government and Executive Services

Department of Social Services
E: [4][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present.







Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. https://www.dss.gov.au/contact/feedback-...
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Good afternoon,


Freedom of Information Request No. FOI 2122-027


I refer to your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) for the following:


“An evaluation of the TTL projects was conducted by UQ and delivered to
the department in mid 2021.”


If you disagree with this interpretation of your request, please let us
know in writing as soon as possible.


We received your access request on 22 September 2021. Your request became
a FOI access request on 23 September 2021, when you indicated in an email
that your request is made pursuant to the FOI Act. Therefore, the 30-day
statutory period for processing your request commenced from the day after
23 September 2021. You should expect a decision from us by 24 October
2021. The period of 30 days may be extended if we need to consult third
parties, impose a charge or for other reasons. We will advise you if this


You will be notified of any charges in relation to your request as soon as
possible, before we process any requested documents or impose a final


Where the documents within the scope of an FOI request include the
personal information of junior officers of the department or other
government agencies, the department’s practice is to not disclose that
information (eg, names, contact details).  The names and contact details
of senior officers will generally be disclosed. 


Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be
published online on our disclosure log
subject to certain exceptions. (For example, personal information will not
be published where this would be unreasonable.)


We will contact you using the email address you have provided. Please
advise if you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact. If
you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the email
address provided below.


Yours sincerely




Freedom of Information

Cabinet and FOI

Government and Executive Services

Department of Social Services
E: [2][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Brewster <[FOI #7883 email]>
Sent: Thursday, 23 September 2021 12:21 PM
To: FOI <[Department of Social Services request email]>
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - TTL Evaluation report


Dear FOI,



TTL - Try Test Learn

UQ University of Queensland

Yes this is being made under the FOI Act.



Yours sincerely,



Andrew Brewster



-----Original Message-----



Good afternoon Andrew,






Thank you for your email. In order for us to process your request we

require further information; could you please clarify what the acronyms

“TTL” and “UQ” stand for in your request?






Could you please also confirm that your request is being made under the

Freedom of Information Act?






Kind regards












Freedom of Information



Cabinet and FOI



Government and Executive Services



Department of Social Services

E: [1][Department of Social Services request email]






The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of

country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,

water and community.



We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past

and present. 






















Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[FOI #7883 email]



This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This
message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet.
More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:




Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will
be delayed.



If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web
manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.





Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/about-the-departm...
2. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

hide quoted sections

FOI, Department of Social Services

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Brewster,


The Department has now finalised its decision in relation to FOI 2122-027.


The decision, along with the documents released to you in accordance with
the FOI Act, are attached.


Also attached are:

-              Attachment A - Review rights; and

-              OAIC guidance – exemptions


If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at:
[1][email address].


Yours sincerely,






Freedom of Information

Cabinet and FOI

Government and Executive Services

Department of Social Services
E: [2][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 








Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

FOI, Department of Social Services

Dear Mr Brewster,


On 25 October 2021 the Department issued you with a decision in relation
to your FOI request, FOI 2122-027.


At that time, you requested a copy of the report delivered to the
Department following the evaluation of Try Test and Learn undertaken by
the University of Queensland in mid-2021.


We are reaching out as a courtesy to advise that the report has now been
published on the Department’s website, here:


Yours sincerely,




Freedom of Information section

Legal Services Branch

Department of Social Services
E: [2][Department of Social Services request email]


The Department of Social Services acknowledges the traditional owners of
country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land,
water and community.

We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to Elders both past
and present. 





Visible links
1. https://www.dss.gov.au/review-of-austral...
2. mailto:[Department of Social Services request email]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Andrew Brewster please sign in and let everyone know.