Transparency of Stakeholder Engagement Meetings
Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,
On page 317 of her Book 'Banking Bad', Adele Ferguson writes:
"Shipton didn't think it was a risk {becoming overly friendly with people that might be the subject of enforcement action}, as long as his commissioners exercised judgement. Orr disagreed and pointed out the flaws in holding such Stakeholder Engagement} meetings: they lacked transparency, there was no formal record, no minutes taken, and no policy governing the types of topics that could be discussed at meetings.
I assume you don't have a policy governing the involvement of commissioners in making enforcement decisions about entitles that they're attending meetings with?' Orr asked."
The document(s) I seek are copies of any policy documents governing so-called "Stakeholder Engagement Maeetings" by ASIC Commissioners and other senior ASIC staff with the personel of financial institutions that ASIC is supposed to be regulating.
The search period is from the time James Shipton appeared as a witness at the Hayne Royal Commission to the present.
Yours faithfully,
Phillip Sweeney
Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached the acknowledgement of your FOI request, reference
Yours sincerely,
Mirijana Soldatic
Senior Manager, FOI, Chief Legal Office
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Level 7, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000
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Dear Mr Sweeney
Please find attached the decision concerning your FOI request, reference
Yours sincerely,
Mirijana Soldatic
Senior Manager, FOI, Chief Legal Office
Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Level 7, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne, 3000
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