Tony Abbott's expenses claims

Margo Kingston made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Finance

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Margo Kingston

Dear Department of Finance and Deregulation,

I request the following documents:

1) all records of entitlements expenses and reimbursements paid by the Department of Finance on behalf of Tony Abbott which were incurred during the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.

2) all records of certification made by Tony Abbott for expenses which were incurred for the period 30 July to 14 August.

3) the monthly management reports for Tony Abbott for the months of July, August, and September 2009.

4) all records of Tony Abbott's booking of Comcar and other car transport for the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.

Yours faithfully,

Margo Kingston

FOI Requests, Department of Finance

1 Attachment

Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information section of the
Department of Finance and Deregulation. We have received your email and
will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.


You may view further information relating to Freedom of Information on the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s [1]website.


[2]Signature blocks-blue bar.jpg

Freedom of Information

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation


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FOI Requests, Department of Finance

1 Attachment


Good afternoon Ms Kingston,


Thank you for your email of 11 July 2013 requesting the following
information under the FOI Act:


All records of entitlements expenses and reimbursements paid by the
Department of Finance on behalf of Tony Abbott which were incurred during
the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.


All records of certification made by Tony Abbott for expenses which were
incurred for the period 30 July to 14 August.


The monthly management reports for Tony Abbott for the months of July,
August, and September 2009.


All records of Tony Abbott's booking of Comcar and other car transport for
the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.


The purpose of this email is to clarify the scope of your request.


In regards to your request for ‘all records of entitlements’, we propose
to provide you with a summary report, which would list in table format
expenditure against entitlement.


In regards to your request for ‘all records of Tony Abbott’s booking of
Comcar’, we propose to provide you with a summary report, which would list
in table format the location, date, and time of bookings.


Could you please indicate if you are willing to refine the scope of your
request as follows?


Summary report of entitlements expenses and reimbursements paid by the
Department of Finance on behalf of Tony Abbott which were incurred during
the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.


All records of certification made by Tony Abbott for expenses which were
incurred for the period 30 July to 14 August.


The monthly management reports for Tony Abbott for the months of July,
August, and September 2009.


Summary report of Tony Abbott's booking of Comcar and other car transport
for the period 30 July to 14 August 2009.


Kind regards,


[1]Signature blocks-blue bar.jpg

FOI Officer

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation

T: 02 6215 1783 | E: [2][Finance request email]  



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2. mailto:[Finance request email]

Margo Kingston

Dear FOI Requests,

Hi. Yes, I agree, on the basis that the summary include the date, and time (if applicable), to allow me to match the Comcar booking to the cost of each trip.

To avoid confusion, I advise that I only want the records of certification for 2009.

Yours sincerely,

Margo Kingston

FOI Requests, Department of Finance

1 Attachment

Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information section of the
Department of Finance and Deregulation. We have received your email and
will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.


You may view further information relating to Freedom of Information on the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s [1]website.


[2]Signature blocks-blue bar.jpg

Freedom of Information

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation


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FOI Requests, Department of Finance

2 Attachments


Good afternoon Ms Kingston


Please find attached correspondence regarding your FOI request (our
reference FOI13-66)


Regards, Sue.

[1]Signature blocks-blue bar.jpg

FOI Officer

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation

T: 02 6215 1783 | E: [Finance request email]  



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FOI Requests, Department of Finance

1 Attachment


Good afternoon Ms Kingston


I refer to your FOI request (our reference 13/66) and advise that the
decision maker has indicated that they are unable to meet the current
deadline of 23 September 2013. 


Are you agreeable to an extension to Friday 27 September 2013?


If you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI team. 


We look forward to hearing from you.


Kind regards

[1]Department of Finance and Deregulation

FOI Officer
Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation

(: (02) 6215 1783 | E: [Finance request email]


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Dear FOI Requests,

Hi. Yes, no worries.

Yours sincerely,

Margo Kingston

FOI Requests, Department of Finance

1 Attachment

Thank you for your email to the Freedom of Information section of the
Department of Finance and Deregulation. We have received your email and
will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.


You may view further information relating to Freedom of Information on the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s [1]website.


[2]Signature blocks-blue bar.jpg

Freedom of Information

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance and Deregulation


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FOI Requests, Department of Finance

2 Attachments


Good Afternoon,


Please find attached correspondence relating to FOI request (our reference



[1]Department of Finance and Deregulation

FOI Officer

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance

T: 02 6215 1783 E: [email address]



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FOI Requests, Department of Finance

7 Attachments


Good Morning Ms Kingston,


Please find attached documents regarding your FOI request (our reference
number FOI13-66).



[1]Department of Finance and Deregulation

FOI Officer

Legal and Strategic Support Branch

Department of Finance

T: 02 6215 1783 E: [email address]



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