Therapeutic goods failures and the Rule of Law

B Bear made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Health

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Department of Health did not have the information requested.

The Hon Susan Ley
Minister for Health MP

Dear Ms Ley and the Department of Health,

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

I want to know how many individuals have been injured by failed devices, such as hip replacements, which come under the TGA

AND the subsequent estimated cost to the Australian community through Medicare, Private Funds and Centrelink (disability payments) for replacing and repairing the damage to the individual which is caused by the failed device.

Goods which fail and injure people and which come under the Therapeutic Goods Act, provide no consumer protections for those injured by those goods. The Rule of Law:, under which Australia's democracy should function, states that law shall be applied equally and fairly.Therefore those injured are unequally and unfairly treated by the consequences of this law.

Yours faithfully,
B Bear

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bear,


I refer to your FOI request of 20 March 2016 to the Department of Health
(as below).


Section 15 of the FOI Act requires that a request for documents meets
certain requirements. Your request, in its current form, does not
constitute a valid request. Please note that the Act provides for access
to documents and not to 'information'. In order for your request to be
processed under the provisions of the FOI Act you must provide us with
further information to enable us to identify the document or documents you
are seeking.


Please note that adverse event data can be accessed on the TGA website at
the following address
[1] All other
information sought in your request is not held by the TGA.


Please don't hesitate to contact our team should you have any further



Freedom of Information

Reporting & Collaborative Services Section

Regulatory Engagement & Planning Branch

Therapeutic Goods Administration
Address: PO Box 100, Woden ACT, 2606
Email: [2][email address]



-----Original Message-----

From: B Bear [[4]mailto:[FOI #1752 email]]

Sent: Sunday, 20 March 2016 9:28 AM


Subject: Freedom of Information request - Therapeutic goods failures and
the Rule of Law [SEC=No Protective Marking]


The Hon Susan Ley

Minister for Health MP


Dear Ms Ley and the Department of Health,


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.


I want to know how many individuals have been injured by failed devices,
such as hip replacements, which come under the TGA


AND the subsequent estimated cost to the Australian community through
Medicare, Private Funds and Centrelink (disability payments) for replacing
and repairing the damage to the individual which is caused by the failed


Goods which fail and injure people and which come under the Therapeutic
Goods Act, provide no consumer protections for those injured by those
goods. The Rule of Law: [5], under
which Australia's democracy should function, states that law shall be
applied equally and fairly.Therefore those injured are unequally and
unfairly treated by the consequences of this law.


Yours faithfully,

B Bear




Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

[6][FOI #1752 email]


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