Technical Manual for 15kVA VW powered Generator Set

Macman made this Freedom of Information request to Department of Defence

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Department of Defence,

I wish to be sent the Australian Army Technical Manual User Handbook Generator Set Gasoline Engine, 15kVA, 120/208 & 240/415 volt, three phase 50/60Hz as used by the ADF.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Jack J

FOI, Department of Defence


Good morning,

Thank you for your email. Your email has been forwarded for consideration/action.

Kind regards,

FOI Operations
(02) 62662200

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Groves, Joanne MRS, Department of Defence


Good Morning Jack,

We have been conducting preliminary searches in the hope to locate the handbook you are requesting and release it to you administratively. To date, similar handbooks have been located, but not the specific one you have requested.

Would you like to withdraw your inquiry or shall I turn this into a formal FOI request in an attempt to locate the handbook (if it exists)?

I look forward to your response.


Jo Groves
Assistant Director - Information Access
Information Management and Access
Governance & Reform Division
Telephone:  (02) 6266 3948
CP1-6-005   [email address

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Dear Jo,

Thank you for the response. If possible, could you please be so kind and create a formal FOI request in an attempt to locate the handbook? This would be appreciated. Please let me know if further information such as a serial number etc would be helpful?

Thank you

Kind regards

Groves, Joanne MRS, Department of Defence


Hi Jack,

Thanks for responding, a serial number would be really helpful if you have it.

In the meantime, I will turn this into a formal FOI request.


Jo Groves
Assistant Director - Information Access
Information Management and Access
Governance & Reform Division
Telephone:  (02) 6266 3948
CP1-6-005   [email address

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Dear Jo,

The details are:

Manufactured by Crump & Cornish, Osborne Park, Western Australia.
Def Stock No. 6115-66-026-1077
Serial No. 014

Thank you.

Kind regards

Groves, Joanne MRS, Department of Defence


Thank you.

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Hanna, Nicole MS, Department of Defence


Good afternoon Jack

Are you able to provide what year this particular generator was manufactured.

Kind regards

Nicole Hanna
Case Officer
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division

Camp Kerr, Wide bay Training Area
(07) 5488 1615, [email address]

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Dear Nicole,

The identification plate has been scratched in this area, and the description (ie. Manf date) is not readable. However, I can see 6.69 stamped next to this and have to assume that 1969 is the manufacture date of the unit.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards

Hanna, Nicole MS, Department of Defence


Good morning Jack

Thank you for the additional information that you have provided. If possible would you please call me in regards to locating this manual on (07) 5488 1615.

Kind regards

Nicole Hanna
Case Officer
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division

Camp Kerr, Wide bay Training Area
(07) 5488 1615, [email address]

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Hanna, Nicole MS, Department of Defence


Good morning Jack

Our office has managed to locate some documents in relation to your request. I am hoping that you might be able to contact me to discuss on (07) 5488 1615.

Kind regards

Nicole Hanna
FOI Case Officer
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division

Building D66, Camp Kerr, Wide Bay Training Area
(07) 5488 1615, [email address]

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Hanna, Nicole MS, Department of Defence

4 Attachments

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Good afternoon

Please find attached documents in relation to old 15KVA generator sets. These documents are being released to you administratively outside of the provisions of the FOI Act.

The age of the generator indicates that the documents for this request would be in the open access period, meaning that documents prior to 1991 would need to be requested under the Archives Act through the National Archives of Australia.

The documents that have been provided may not match the exact requirements of your request but may be able to provide you with some guidance in relation to the generator that you have.

Research has shown that the company that manufactured this particular generator has not been in business for some time. Indications are that the company stopped manufacturing in the mid to late 1970's.

There are some patents registered for manufacturing equipment for Cornish and Crump held by the National Archives Australia. National Archives of Australia may be able to assist you to obtain the information that you require.

Our office would be grateful if you could respond to this email and withdraw your formal FOI request.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Nicole Hanna
FOI Case Officer
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division

Building D0066, Camp Kerr, Wide Bay Training Area
(07) 5488 1615, [email address]

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Dear Hanna, Nicole MS,

Thank you for the information and the documents which you have provided. You have been more than helpful. I will withdraw the formal FOI request.

Yours sincerely,
