Strike it Out Documentation - Strike it Out's proposal

Currently waiting for a response from Launceston City Council, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear Launceston City Council,

I would like to handle this FOIA informally / administratively given the council has released information publicly regarding Strike It Out in a public response and therefore public interest overrides any formalities regarding FOIA.

The press release I refer to is:

I would like to welcome Launceston City Council prompt release of the below documents for fact checking associated with the press release that would be helpful for the public to understand what has been going on given the council should have already prepared this documentation internally in order to publish the press release;

a) November 2022 - Strike it Out's proposal for a sleep pod trailer

b) March 2023 - Correspondence received from Strike it Out relating to the sleep pod trailer project.

c) March 2023 ? - The City of Launceston's written response to b)

d) June — September 2023 - Communication of the Strike it Out discussions

e) June — September 2023 - Record of communication relating to "Strike it Out later advises that Council land was no longer being considered for the project"

f) November 2023 - Record of the submission on: "Strike it Out submits an unsuccessful Expression of Interest for the historic Frederick St infant school property"

g) December 2023 - Record of communication on "Council reached out to remind Strike it Out that ..."

h) April 2024 - Record of communication "Strike it Out emails some documents to the Council regarding"

i) May 2024 - Record of communication "Strike it Out requests to trial its shower trailer"

j) June 18 2024 - Record of the request "Strike it Out makes a request to the Council's Events Department"

k) June 26 2024 - Record of the email of "to request the trailers be removed or further action will be taken"

l) June 28 2024 - Record of "Strike it Out contacts the Council and says the trailers will be removed as soon as possible"

m) All internal documentation that the council has produced relating to Strike It Out

If the documentation does not exist partially or in full I would like the council disclose which ones do not exist.

Yours faithfully,


Contact Us, Launceston City Council

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