Special eductional needs statistics for Mosman primary schools
Dear NSW Department of Education,
I would like to request the statistical data for the number of pupils registered or known to have Special educational needs for each of the past ten years in the three public primary schools in the Mosman area. Namely Middle Harbour, Mosman Public and Beauty Point schools. Ideally. If this data can be presented as a percentage of the total pupil numbers for each school.
Also if it is possible I would also like the same data for each school for each of the 2 NAPLAN years, year 3 and 5.
I would also like to know the numbers of children with special educational needs who have left each of the three schools at any time between kindergarten and prior to the end of year 6 for the same 10 year period.
Yours faithfully,
David Fairbairn
Dear Mr Fairbairn,
Thank you for contacting the NSW Department of Education.
Please see information below about accessing information from the Department.
You will have to contact the Departments Information Access Unit on:
T 02 9561 8100
E [DEC request email]
Please also see the Information Access Application Form:
https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/media/downloa... ut-us/information-access/how-to-access-information/gipa-access-applicform.pdf
Lisa Faddoul
Schools and Community Senior Information Officer
Communication & Engagement - Strategic Communication
T 02 9561 8999 | E [email address]
NSW Department of Education