SPEAR reference 144797 and dealings lodged

R Bulmer made this Freedom of Information request to Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning,

Our request under the FOI Act is for:

All documents lodged to register a dealing on
18 Bembridge Ave Frankston South between Jan 2017 and Dec 2022 (calendar years).

All document logged and lodged SPEAR ref 144797.

Copy of documents mentioned in Summary SPEAR S144754S including surveyor Richard D Carter aka RD Carter

Copy of imaged document cover sheet of title search security no: 124085100422U produced 25/08/2020 11:39 AM
Vol 11499 folio 992

Clean copy of instrument AL210197P

Yours faithfully, R Bulmer

Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

1 Attachment

Dear R Bulmer,

I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), seeking access to:

"All documents lodged to register a dealing on
18 Bembridge Ave Frankston South between Jan 2017 and Dec 2022 (calendar years).
All document logged and lodged SPEAR ref 144797.
Copy of documents mentioned in Summary SPEAR S144754S including surveyor Richard D Carter aka RD Carter
Copy of imaged document cover sheet of title search security no: 124085100422U produced 25/08/2020 11:39 AM Vol 11499 folio 992
Clean copy of instrument AL210197P"

Your request is currently invalid. Section 17 of the FOI Act requires payment of an application fee of $30.60 (two fee units).

This fee may only be waived if payment would cause hardship to the applicant. If you believe that payment of the application fee will cause you financial hardship, you may request a waiver. This request must be accompanied by suitable evidence of hardship, such as a copy of a pension or Centrelink benefit card.

You should note that access charges for things such as search time and photocopying will also apply to your request. These cannot be waived on the basis of hardship however.

If you wish to proceed with your request, please forward payment of $30.60. A payment form is attached. Please complete the payment form and return by email to confirm that the application fee has been paid.

Alternatively, if you seek a waiver please provide reasons and supporting documentation.

If I can be of any assistance please contact me.

Veronica Finn (she/her)
Senior FOI Officer | Governance
Legal and Governance Division | Corporate Services | Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
PO Box 500, East Melbourne VIC 3002
T: (03) 8508 2763 E: [email address]
Please note that I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and their Elders past and present as the original
custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit to genuinely partnering with them and
Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their aspirations.


show quoted sections

Dear Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

FOI fee $30.60 paid as required, 14/12/2022.

Receipt number : S6094792895

Yours sincerely,

R Bulmer

Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

Dear R Bulmer,

Thank you for your email confirming payment of application fee.

I will continue to process your request and advise if any clarification is required.

Veronica Finn (she/her)
Senior FOI Officer | Governance
Legal and Governance Division | Corporate Services | Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
PO Box 500, East Melbourne VIC 3002
T: (03) 8508 2763 E: [email address]
Please note that I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and their Elders past and present as the original
custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit to genuinely partnering with them and
Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their aspirations.


show quoted sections

Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

2 Attachments

Dear R Bulmer,


I refer to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act
1982 (FOI Act), dated 10 December 2022 and received by the Department of
Environment, Land, Water and Planning (the department) on 12 December
2022, seeking access to: 


All documents lodged to register a dealing on 18 Bembridge Ave Frankston
South between Jan 2017 and Dec 2022 (calendar years).

All document logged and lodged SPEAR ref 144797.

Copy of documents mentioned in Summary SPEAR S144754S including  surveyor
Richard D Carter aka RD Carter

Copy of imaged document cover sheet  of title search security no:
124085100422U produced 25/08/2020 11:39 AM Vol 11499 folio 992

Clean copy of instrument AL210197P


Clarification required

Unfortunately, I am unable to process your request at this stage and
require clarification from you. 

I have made initial enquiries with the relevant area of the department
regarding your request and have been advised that SPEAR ref 144797 is not
a valid SPEAR reference.


In accordance with section 17(2) of the FOI Act, in order to process your
request, I would appreciate it if you could please provide some
clarification as to the documents sought.

Could you please advise whether the second sentence of your FOI request
relates to S144754S or a different reference. If you are unsure of the
reference number, could you please provide details of the property to
which it refers.


Identification required

As this request relates to private land, could you please provide some
identification (eg drivers licence).


If I can be of any assistance in clarifying your request, please contact
me. Please note that I will be on leave from tomorrow, 23 December 2022,
until Monday 9 January 2023. During this time please contact the FOI Unit
at [email address].





Veronica Finn (she/her)

Senior FOI Officer | Governance

Legal and Governance Division | Corporate Services | Department of
Environment, Land, Water and Planning


PO Box 500, East Melbourne VIC 3002
T: (03) 8508 2763 E: [1][email address]


Please note that I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


[2]A picture containing drawing Description automatically generated


[3]A picture We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and
containing sitting, their Elders past and present as the original
holding, table, custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit  
person Description to genuinely partnering with them and
automatically Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their
generated aspirations.





Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. https://www2.delwp.vic.gov.au/aboriginal...

Dear Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

My surveyor was also unable to find SPEAR reference 144797 via the official on line search.


I suggest you speak with the male who answers calls on the SPEAR DESK who provided me with the link

And the person/s who replied to emails regarding SPEAR 144797 sent to the SPEAR Desk

They maybe the same person

The SPEAR Desk never identify themselves

No even with a first name

Hope this information assists your FOI search

Yours sincerely,

R Bulmer

Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

I am currently on leave and will return on Monday 9 January 2023. For any
urgent matters during this time please email the FOI Unit at
[email address]

Dear Veronica J Finn (DELWP),

Re: my emailed reply to your request for clarification 22/12/2022, which you have knowledged

Unfortunately i hit send without the providing the following clarification:

My request relates to SPEAR references S144754S and

It is our understanding both references are said to relate to planning applications at the property we own, volume 11499 folio 992

Is our title number sufficient ID?

SPEAR desk confirmed 144797 is a valid SPEAR reference number
Please advise us if our FOI application is now valid
Yours sincerely,

R Bulmer

Dear Veronica J Finn (DELWP)

Further to my replies:

If it is ok, I seek clarification of your initial enquiries with the relevant area, which advised SPEAR reference 144797 was not a valid SPEAR reference number

No further discussion of SPEAR reference 144797 was provided.

Can i ask if your initial enquiries of the relevant area will included the SPEAR IT department, eg data and metadata?

Given SPEAR ( Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals) process, release and store legal documents electronically.

If not will you please include an appropriate IT search before making your determination?

Your clarification of the above would be greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

R Bulmer

Veronica J Finn (DEECA),

Dear R Bulmer,

Thank you for your email.

I had been advised by Land Use Victoria that the SPEAR number provided is not a valid one. I will make enquiries with Land Use Victoria for a list of any SPEAR numbers associated with your property and get back to you.

Please note that as you have made your request through the Right to Know website, all correspondence relating to your request (including any decision and documents released) will be published on the Right to Know website. As your request relates to information about your private property, you may wish to provide a personal email address so that I can send correspondence directly to you without that information being published on the website.

If you would like to provide a personal email address for correspondence, please email me directly at [email address].


Veronica Finn  (she/her)
Senior FOI Officer | Legal and Governance Division
Corporate Services | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action

PO Box 500, East Melbourne VIC 3002
T: (03) 8508 2763 E: [email address]
Please note that I work Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.


We acknowledge Victorian Traditional Owners and their Elders past and present as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters and commit to genuinely partnering with them and Victoria’s Aboriginal community to progress their aspirations.


show quoted sections

Dear Veronica J Finn (DEECA),

Thank you for your reply.

Your comments have been noted.

I assume you are confirming you are yet to speak with the SPEAR Desk.

I assume you will discuss emails and discussions between the owners and relevant SPEAR desk employee/s as part of your diligent search.

Yours sincerely,

R Bulmer

Dear Veronica J Finn (DEECA),

Is it possible for you to reference the date of my email in your responses?

Kind regards

R Bulmer