Shellharbour Village Carpark (off Allens Lane)

Hetty Cummins made this Government Information (Public Access) request to Shellharbour City Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Shellharbour City Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Shellharbour City Council,

During the Council Meeting on 13 December, Cr Kellie Marsh, advised that $47,000 would not be spent on maintaining the carpark that is off Allens Lane. She mentioned that previous monies, had also been not granted to its upkeep. Please advise all monies which could’ve gone to the carpark but has been diverted to Tripoli Way Bypass project.

Yours faithfully,

Hetty Cummins

Information Management, Shellharbour City Council

6 Attachments

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[1][IMG] Shellharbour City Council​
Dharawal Country
76 Cygnet Avenue ,  Shellharbour City Centre ,  NSW   2529
[2](02) 4221 6111
[3] [4][IMG]




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2. file:///tmp/tel:(02)%204221%206111

Christie Bryan, Shellharbour City Council

Good Afternoon Ms Cummins,

Thank you for your below email.

Can you please clarify the information you are seeking as it is not clear from your email dated 13 December 2022.

This clarification will enable me to determine if a formal GIPA application needs to be submitted by you.

Please be advised you are able to watch the webcast of any Council Meeting on Council's website. Simply follow the links to the date of the meeting you wish to watch and click the view webcast button.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Christie Bryan | Governance Officer
Dharawal Country
76 Cygnet Avenue, Shellharbour City Centre, NSW 2529
(02) 4221 6107

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