Dear Australian Securities and Investments Commission,

I request a fully unredacted copy of the ‘written confirmation from the Department of Finance, that ASIC was covered by [CDDA] and could receive [CDDA] claims’ referred to at [5.130] of the recent SERC report

I asked Finance and Treasury and they both returned nil docs. PTAG might’ve noted the wrong department

This document was not in scope of the previous request regarding SERC 5.130

Yours faithfully,


Shoumia Nithiananthan, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

2 Attachments

Dear applicant


I refer to your request dated 14 August 2024 under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in which you seek access to documents in
the possession of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission


Please find attached letter.


Kind regards


Shoumia Nithiananthan
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy

Legal Services


Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Level 5, 100 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Tel: 9911 2454  [mobile number]

[1][email address]

[2]ASIC logo


show quoted sections

Shoumia Nithiananthan, Australian Securities and Investments Commission

2 Attachments

Dear applicant


I refer to your request dated 14 August 2024 under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) in which you seek access to documents in
the possession of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission


Please find attached Notice of Decision.


Kind regards


Shoumia Nithiananthan
Lawyer, FOI & Privacy

Legal Services


Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Level 5, 100 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Tel: 9911 2454  [mobile number]

[1][email address]

[2]ASIC logo


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