Seach for MH370
Dear Prime Minister/Office of Prime Minister
Can you please provide information within your Office relating to the commissioning of the search for MH370 and its passengers within Australias Search and Rescue Area.
Please only provide information generating from the Australian Government including any radar traces etc. between 7th-9th March 2014 in the Indian Ocean Search and Rescue Area identifying MH370 or an incoming unidentified plane with a unique flight path into the Indian Ocean towards Antarctica. No other foreign government provided information, media reports or information provided from private companies is required or requested.
Australia has many radar sites monitoring incoming planes from the North and many naval vessels equipped with extensive radar capabilities were in the vicinity to capture rickety wooden boats coming in from the North.
If MH370 did enter Australias' Search and Rescue Area as the PM claims, the plane would of been detected by Australian Government Radar and used by the PM to identify precisely where the plane went down when he announced in Parliament that the Government was beginning this extensive search and rescue operation. MH370 would of had to fly right over numerous state of the art Commonwealth of Australian radars, as per the Doppler Effect used by the Government to establish the search area.
The Prime Minister claimed in Parliament that US Satellites provided the evidence to begin a broad search and rescue in the Southern Indian Ocean, what other information did the Prime Minister have to begin spending the vast sums of time and money looking for the missing Malaysian plane? Please provide all physical evidence from Australian Government sources relating to the commissioning of the search for MH370 by the PM.
If the Prime Minister releases this information, it may help the Australian Government and international search and rescue teams find the plane and be able to locate its alleged route into Australian search and rescue waters to provide closure to victims families.
If the information is not released for whatever reason, it will be presumed that no radar information was detected; indicating that the missing Malaysian plane did not enter Australias' Search and Rescue Zone at all! If the Government can find every little rickety wooden boat coming to Australia, it is presumed that tracking an (unidentified) off course Boeing 777 from the north would be childs play and using this information to find the missing plane would be obvious, even for the PM.
Yours faithfully,
A Freeman
A Freeman left an annotation ()
Thanks for the advice. The bulk of the request is to inform the FOI officer that the PM has access to numerous radars in the North of Australia mainland and on various islands in the Indian Ocean that MH370 would of had to fly right over if the PM is correct. Not to mention the Australian flotilla with state of the art radar.
The PM announced the search on US government data but has been unable to locate the plane or its flight path, which i am sure sounds strange to all Australians and the rest of the world.
$50m+ is a lot to spend on a search and rescue without one shred of evidence that the plane entered the Australian Search and Rescue area. The Indonesians have not claimed it flew over there airspace and the Thai and Malaysian military have said they where tracking it on there radar up until it inexplicably vanished at 35000 feet, the same time as when the transponder became non responsive.
I wonder if there is an association between the plane vanishing from multiple radars, the transponder being disabled, eyewitness accounts of a fireball at that location, the fact no debris was found and the Australian PM being told to search in the middle of nowhere. It is interesting how an unidentified plane could fly right over the entire Australian Navy amidst reports a plane has gone down in Malaysia and no one batts an eyelid.
I am interested to see if the Australian Government has any of its own information at all, or it is just relying on 3rd party information from foreign governments and corporations.
It is extremely likely it does not have its own information as its most probable that the plane never entered Australias search and rescue area and the PM has been asked to participate in a global cover-up at the expense of the Australian tax payer and justice.
If the government did have a radar signature on the plane, they would of began an immediate search and rescue operation and would know exactly where it went down.
It is extremely unlikely that the PM has any data to provide as part of this FOI request, however it is still important to go through the process to determine whether the PM is spending all this time and money on a wild goose chase on behalf of the US.
The government(s) are on to me already, i have received 10 emails this morning so far regarding summonses to appear in court action. I wonder where they got my email? I could very well be dead before the information is released, if there is any information which of course there isn't.
Out of respect for the victims and there families and the Australian tax payer, it is imperative the PM disclose what information he is relying on.
Dear Mr Freeman
Thank you for your email dated 3 April 2014, in which you made a request
to the Prime Minister under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI
Act) in the following terms:
‘Can you please provide information within your Office relating to the
commissioning of the search for MH370 and its passengers within
Australia’s Search and Rescue Area.
Please only provide information generating from the Australian Government
including any radar traces etc. between 7th-9th March 2014 in the Indian
Ocean Search and Rescue Area identifying MH370 or an incoming unidentified
plane with a unique flight path into the Indian Ocean towards Antarctica.
No other foreign government provided information, media reports or
information provided from private companies is required or requested’.
‘…what other information did the Prime Minister have to begin spending the
vast sums of time and money looking for the missing Malaysian plane?
Please provide all physical evidence from Australian Government sources
relating to the commissioning of the search for MH370 by the PM.’
Handling of request
The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (the Department) provides
administrative support to the Prime Minister in relation to Freedom of
Information (FOI) requests made to him. I am writing to advise you of
further information on the processing of your request to the Prime
Minister, set out below.
Timeframe for receiving your decision
Your request was received on 3 April 2014 and the 30 day statutory period
for processing your request commenced from the day after that date. You
should therefore expect a decision from us by 3 May 2014 (or the first
business day thereafter being Monday 5 May 2014). The period of 30 days
may be extended in certain circumstances. We will advise you if there is
any extension of time.
Agencies and Ministers may decide that an applicant is liable to pay a
charge in respect of a request for access to documents. If the
decision-maker in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) decides that you are
liable to pay a charge, we will send you a preliminary assessment of the
charge as soon as possible.
Publication of documents
Please note that information released under the FOI Act may later be
published online on our disclosure log at
[1], subject to
certain exceptions. If you think you might wish to raise any objections to
the publication of any of the information which may be released to you
please contact us by email at [2][Prime Minister request email]. If you do wish to object
to the publication of information, you would need to provide supporting
Exclusion of officers’ names and contact details
It is the Department’s policy to withhold the names and contact details of
officers not in the Senior Executive Service (SES) as well as the mobile
or direct numbers of SES officers within the Department and other agencies
contained within documents that fall within scope of the request.
Similarly, it is the PMO’s policy to withhold the names and contact
details of PMO staff at a level below Senior Advisor. If you require this
information please let us know at [3][Prime Minister request email] so the decision-maker
may consider; otherwise we will take it that you agree to that information
being excluded from the scope of your request.
We will write again when the Department has more information. Further
information on FOI processing can be found at the website of the Office of
the Australian Information Commissioner at
Yours sincerely
FOI Adviser
Legal Policy Branch
Government Division
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Email: [5][Prime Minister request email]
[6]Description: Description: Description: FOI design element
Visible links
2. mailto:[Prime Minister request email]
3. mailto:[Prime Minister request email]
5. mailto:[Prime Minister request email]
A Freeman left an annotation ()
Thank-you for the rapid response and i await any information that you can provide to help identify where MH370 went down.
Any radar information you provide may prove useful in determining the exact location the plane went down to locate the proper search area. The information may also save passengers lives, save tax payers money and prevent these sorts of things from occurring in the future.
The plane apparently flew right over Christmas or Cocus Islands and its strange that the PM only acted after a dodgy US satellite image.
I notice that you addressed me as Mr. This is not the case and i am offended by the sexual connotation of your response. I do not recognise myself as a Ms or Mrs either, nor any other strawman title for that matter. A non-sexual response is requested in future correspondence please.
I am sure you know who i am, i have been sent 10 messages to my normally quite email thus far today claiming legal action against me and summonsing me to appear in court, which is unfortunate and offensive also. I doubt the PM would order such an intrusion personally, but nevertheless it is happening.

Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Hi, just a note that annotations aren't sent to the agency.
If you want to send a response, you need to select "Write a Reply" at the bottom of the request.

Locutus Sum left an annotation ()
It is unfortunate that Mr Fairless is correct ( the application shows a good picture of the wrong way to use Right to Know and the Freedom of Information Act. "Wrong" is to mean only that the purpose and intent of the application is not in a correspondence with the purpose of the site or the Act. For this reason, a site user can know at the start that the application will not provide the result that is wanted.
The explanation for this statement of mine can be read from the applicant's own annotation. He says "The bulk of the request is to inform the FOI officer that ...", and we can see already that the application has gone wrong. The Freedom of Information Act is not to make a communication tube between the public and the government. It is not designed to the purpose of allowing a person a method of speaking to the government. It is not a way for an applicant to be heard ... it is a way to listen! It works only for its design purpose and that is to allow applicants to request access to documents.
The FOI officer will read the application but will not be "informed" of anything. The Prime Minister will not become informed or become wiser. The FOI person will try to understand what document is being requested, whether the department has the document, and whether it is exempt or not exempt. And in that situation it will stop.
A person must find a voice that is not Right to Know if he wants to speak to the government.
Dear FOI & PM,
I am still waiting for your response MP Abbott. You have spent over $100 million of tax payers money so far on a phony search and rescue, be good to see what information you are relying on before you spend another $100 million of tax payers money on your wild goose chase.
If you do not have any information to validate your search, are you going to pay back tax payers? It would be the least you could do, as you were fully aware that there was no possible way that the plane could of ended up in Australian search and rescue waters without leaving a radar signature.
What happened, did the world start spinning backwards for a while?? The Doppler Effect seems to have reversed in nature. Instead of going East to West the latest info attempt to show the plane going West to East. The Doppler effect was used as the excuse by your government to explain the plane ending up in the Indian Ocean and to identify the search area.
No wonder the Australian Government has not found the plane yet, the story keeps changing about how it could possibly end up there, which explains why you are prepared to intentionally breach FOI Law and not respond appropriately.
It is funny that you can spend $100 million on the misleading advice of the US Government but cannot afford the time or money to answer a simple request for information from an Australian.
You can spend the time and money sending out people to stalk me and record me and my family, but unable to respond to a simple request. Funny that. U have got the time and money to have my health care card cut and not update my taxable income of $0 to stop me getting food.
That $100+ million could of paid to have under privileged children visit the doctor for free in the future or sheltering homeless people this winter. Instead you spent it all on a foreign governments coverup of what is essentially mass murder. Did a US corporation pay for your Oxfordisation by any chance? What is the definition of treason again??
The most expensive criminal investigation in Australias history and the PM has no info on how the plane came to be in Australian S&R waters or how the navy somehow missed its entrance. It was a miracle?? Wouldn't it be great if the ABC or another journalist or another MP asked you to validate your treasonous, wasteful actions. At least that way you wouldn't have to stalk and intimidate free(wo)men.
I think everyone in the navy, airforce and military know that the search and rescue is an absolute expensive joke. Shame about the people on board though, if u had of done your job responsibly as a good christian, perhaps lives could of been saved.
Yours sincerely,
A Freeman
Please find attached a letter from the Prime Minister’s Office in relation
to your FOI request.
FOI Adviser
Government Division | Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
02 6271 5849
e. [1][Prime Minister request email]
The Department acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout
Australia and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We
pay our respects to them and their cultures and to their elders both past
and present.
[2]Description: Description: Description: FOI design element
Visible links
1. mailto:[Prime Minister request email]
Ben Fairless left an annotation ()
Right to Know is designed to allow people to easily make FOI requests, and to make the released documents public. As Locutus Sum has already pointed out ( the reason for a request cannot be considered by an Agency receiving a request.
About 70% of this request (all but the first 2 paragraphs) provides absolutely no relevance to the documents requested, and appears to be a rant about topics which are unrelated to FOI request at hand.
"A Freeman" I would suggest that you have a read of our Help pages, specifically "Why must I keep my request focused?" (