Sale of Caloundra Waterfront Caravan Park (Big 4)

Graeme McCullagh made this Right to Information request to Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Graeme McCullagh

Dear Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines,

We have been trying to get a meeting with the minister for several weeks now with no response. Since the labour government sold the park off to previous lease holders SEQ Properties we the permanent residents have been told to leave. The sale of park was never released to the residents and all of us would never have invested thousands of dollars if we knew that we weren’t under the Government banner. Every thing to do with the sale has been hidden to public. Most of us are aged pensioners, cannot move our homes and generally have no where to go. We believe we should receive some compensation to be able to relocate ourselves. We cannot remove our homes as they are not transportable and we couldn’t afford to do it anyway. We have lost everything as we sunk all our savings into our homes.
I wait your response.

Yours faithfully, Graeme McCullagh (park permanent resident. Ph. 0435875610 )

Jenny Lang, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines

Dear Mr McCullagh

I understand that you recently received correspondence from Minister Lynham’s office, and had an onsite meeting with the Minister’s advisor.

If you are seeking access to documents relating to the sale of the caravan park, I can assist you in lodging an application under the Right to Information Act 2009 (Qld). There is an initial $50.80 application fee for all Right to Information applications.

Further information about lodging an application can be found at

Please contact RTI Services by telephone on 3330 6111, or by email at [email address] for assistance or further advice.

Yours sincerely

Jenny Lang
Senior Right to Information Officer
Right to Information Services | Corporate
GPO Box 2454, Brisbane QLD 4001

Graeme McCullagh

Dear Jenny Lang,

We had our meeting but really got nothing out of it with the ministers adviser telling us everything done was by the book. It was no different to any other meeting we have had with a politician no one wants to help us so several of us booted out residents have nothing left.
Imagine how we feel when we see Facebook entries showing Big4 Caloundra receiving an award for the best Big 4 Park and the park manager jumping around with kids on holiday telling everyone how good they are. I had to drive from Sunshine Coast to 1 William st for a meeting that was a waste of my time and petrol costs. I worked and paid my tax from age 14 to 68.
In our opinion the ministers advisor Talbot Speechly showed absolutely no concern for our situation at all and we left absolutely feeling defeated and wondering where we go from here.
He seemed to think that because we had been referred to the Department of Housing that would fix everything. No it won’t. Unless you have a terminal illness you would probably have to wait for at least a year before something comes up. So what do people do in the mean time. You can’t rely on family to take us on long term as this disrupts their family lives as well.
Compensation is the only thing that will save us in the long run. We live week to week on our pensions to survive as everything we had was invested in our onsite homes. I own a car that’s it, So I wait for your acknowledgement of my email for some ideas as to how you can improve our situation for us to get back to a normal life.

Yours sincerely,

Graeme McCullagh

Jenny Lang, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines

Dear Mr McCullagh

RTI Services only deals with access to documents under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act). Unfortunately, I am unable to address any of the concerns raised in your correspondence.

As mentioned in my earlier reply, I can assist you in lodging an access application. The following link provides information about the RTI Act with details to lodge an application online.

No further action will be taken in this matter until an application is received.

Yours sincerely

Graeme McCullagh

Dear Jenny Lang,

We have left in the hands of our lawyer.

Yours sincerely,

Graeme McCullagh