Role evaluation records for National Judicial Registrar role in the Federal Court

Rex Martinich made this Freedom of Information request to Federal Court of Australia

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Federal Court of Australia.

Dear Federal Court of Australia,

This is a request made for the purposes of the FOI Act.

I request access to the role evaluation records, prepared between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2020, that show that the SES Band 1 classified National Judicial Registrar role in the Federal Court was, in light of the work value of the group of duties described in the work level standards and a proper job analysis, reclassified and allocated an Executive Level 2 classification for the purposes of rule 9 of the Public Service Classification Rules 2000.

Yours faithfully,

Rex Martinich

External FOI, Federal Court of Australia

Dear Mr Martinich

I acknowledge receipt of your request dated 21 January 2023 and communicated by email to [email address], for access to documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act).

Based on the Court's preliminary assessment of your FOI request, it has been determined that, at this stage, you are not liable to pay a charge. If that changes, the Court will inform you and will issue you with a notice of charge as required by the FOI Act.

Kind regards

FOI Officer
Federal Court of Australia

show quoted sections

External FOI, Federal Court of Australia

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Martinich

Please find attached correspondence from the Federal Court of Australia.

Kind regards

FOI Officer
Federal Court of Australia

show quoted sections