We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sam Smith please sign in and let everyone know.

Review conducted by Gary Champion of HBA Consulting

We're waiting for Sam Smith to read a recent response and update the status.

Hello again FOI Team,

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of the cultural review that was conducted by Gary Champion of HBA Consulting, as mentioned in the NTEU letter to Keith Nugent that was released as part of ANU FOI Request 202400155.

I agree to the removal of the names, addresses and phone numbers of any current ANU officer, or third party if required with the exception of the former Director of NCI, Dr Sean Smith.

Sam Smith.

Freedom of Information, Australian National University

To Sam Smith


On 20 March 2025, the Australian National University (the University)
received your request for access to documents under the Freedom of
Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act).


The University has taken your request to be as follows:


Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982, I request access to copies of
the following documents:  copies of the cultural review that was conducted
by Gary Champion of HBA Consulting, as mentioned in the NTEU letter to
Keith Nugent that was released as part of ANU FOI Request 202400155.


Processing Timeframe

The statutory time frame for processing your request is 30 calendar days
from the date your request was received by the University. You should
therefore expect a decision from us by 19 April 2025.


The period of 30 days may be extended if we need to consult third
parties, impose a charge or for other reasons. We will advise you in
writing if this happens.


We will contact you using the email address you provided. Please advise if
you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact. If you have
any questions regarding your request, please feel free to contact the FOI
Team via the functional email [1][ANU request email].


Kind regards,


FOI Team

Scholarly Information Services

The Australian National University


Email: [2][ANU request email]

Web: [3]https://www.anu.edu.au/freedom-of-inform...

TEQSA Provider ID: PRV12002 (Australian University) | CRICOS Provider
Code: 00120C | ABN: 52 234 063 906





Visible links
1. mailto:[ANU request email]
2. mailto:[ANU request email]
mailto:[ANU request email]
3. https://www.anu.edu.au/freedom-of-inform...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Sam Smith please sign in and let everyone know.