Revenue from Council car parks for the year ending June 2015
Dear Manly Council,
I request a copy of the Revenue Report for Manly Council Car Parks for the year ended 30 June 2015.
I am informed that this is a standard report that can be printed from the Ski Data system as used by Manly Council.
The report shows revenue category and payment method for each car park and a fee group analysis of numbers of parkers for each category of short term payment rate
Yours faithfully,
Bruce Kitson
Dear Sir/Madam,
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Yours faithfully,
Public Officer
Manly Council
Dear Mr Kitson,
Thank you for your request.
You have requested access to “a copy of the Revenue Report for Manly
Council Car Parks of the year ended 30 June 2015”.
I have searched Council’s records and I have spoken with the relevant
Council staff responsible for such information and I have been informed
that the record that you have requested access to has not been compiled
and does not exist.
As you may be aware, under the Government Information (Public Access) Act
2009 Council is not required to create such a record if it does not exist;
see Kitson v Manly Council [2015] NSWCATAD 102
Yours sincerely,
|Blake Dyer |
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|Access to Information Officer |
|E: [2][email address] |P: 99761500 | 1 Belgrave Street|
| | | Manly NSW 2095|
|D: 02 9976 1688 |F: 99761400 |PO Box 82 Manly NSW|
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Dear Blake Dyer,
The report as requested is a standard report available from the skidata system as used by Manly Council. I have sighted a copy of the report but not for the period ending June 2015,. The system compiles the report and all that needs to be done is to print the report which is only 6 pages.
Yours sincerely,
Bruce Kitson
Dear Blake Dyer,
can you please advise if you intend to supply the report by printing it from the existing records within your skidata system?
or if you are refusing to supply this standard report and the basis for your refusal
Yours sincerely,
Bruce Kitson
Bruce Kitson left an annotation ()
The report requested is a standard report available from the ski data system as used by Manly Council and all that is required is to print the report for the relevant period. I have sighted the report but not for the 12 months ending June 2015. On this basis the report is compiled and only needs to be printed.