Resilient Sydney

John made this Government Information (Public Access) request to City of Sydney

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear City of Sydney,

I formally request any documents related to the Resilient Sydney team pertaining to the current and planned operating expenses not limited to Beck Dawson, Chief Resilience Officer for Sydney and any current or draft project status documents related to the Resilient Sydney Strategy.

Yours faithfully,


City of Sydney

Thank you for contacting the City of Sydney.


We aim to respond to enquiries within 10 working days, however response
times may vary depending on the nature of the request.


If the matter is causing an immediate risk to public health and safety
please call us on 9265 9333.


456 Kent Street

GPO Box 1591

Sydney NSW 2001

Telephone: 02 9265 9333

[City of Sydney request email]


Did you know that you can now report all issues and requests for service
including parking, waste, graffiti and household collections online?
Simply visit this [1]link to log your request.

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Makrina Poljakova, City of Sydney

Dear John,

Thank you for your below Enquiry (ref: 2018/090535), relating to "Resilient Sydney".

You request has been forwarded to the City's staff who are dealing with this project.

They are currently collating information relating to your enquiry. Once I have this information I shall advise you further.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 9265 9754.

Kind regards

Makrina Poljakova
Information Access Officer
Data & Information Mgt
Telephone: +612 9265 9754

[email address]

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Dear Makrina Poljakova,

Just an email to check the status of the request.

For background, I have previously attempted to gain information direct from the Resilient Sydney team with no response. The first email was sent on 06 July 2017.

Yours sincerely,


Makrina Poljakova, City of Sydney

Good morning John,

Thank you for your follow-up email. The material is still being collated and assessed.

I have been advised that the Information Access Team should have this information soon. Hopefully, by mid to end of next week if not, earlier.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me on 9265 9754.

Kind regards

Makrina Poljakova
Information Access Officer
Data & Information Mgt
Telephone: +612 9265 9754

[email address]

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Beck Dawson, City of Sydney

4 Attachments

Attention of: John at: [1][FOI #4399 email],
and [2][email address]


Dear John,

Please see below the response to your query about the Resilient Sydney

I also acknowledge that you previously contacted the Resilient Team via a
generic email. Due to staffing changes this email address was
unfortunately not monitored for a time and this email was inadvertently
missed. I sincerely apologise for the delay in responding. We have
improved our processes so this will not happen again. Thank you for
drawing this error to our attention. As a result, I have provided a more
full response below but do get back in touch if you need further



In September 2014 the City applied to participate in the 100 Resilient
Cities Challenge funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. On 3 December 2014
the City was notified by Michael Berkowitz, President, 100 Resilient
Cities that the application was successful. A CEO Memo was provided to
Council regarding the City’s involvement in January 2015.


The City received funding to hire a Chief Resilience Officer for at least
two years, assistance in developing a resilience strategy, access to a
platform of innovative private and public sector tools to help design and
implement that strategy, and membership in the 100 Resilient Cities
Network.  This funding began in late 2015.


The City invited all Mayors and Councils of metropolitan Sydney to
participate in the program. The Chief Resilience Officer was appointed in
September 2015 to undertake these activities and produce a resilience
strategy for metropolitan Sydney.


Since 2015, the program has been incorporated into and reported on through
the City’s Operational Plan, and reported through annual and operational
reports, including updates on progress and timing.



Current Program Status

Current information, published research and activities of the Resilient
Sydney program are provided on the City of Sydney website.


This includes:

·         Resilient Sydney Preliminary Resilience Assessment

·         City Context Report

·         Agenda Setting Workshop Report

·         Previous events, reports.


Further documents used in stakeholder and community engagement are also



A draft strategy is undergoing review, pending approval by 100 Resilient
Cities and the Steering Committee. The strategy will be released in 2018.
The current presentation describing work to date, draft strategy position
and next steps is attached for your reference.


Program Costs

The 100 Resilient Cities fund initially provided USD$100M globally for 100
cities who joined the network. While this does not guarantee $1M per city,
it provides an indication about the level of funding. The funding to
cities is provided through both in-kind and direct assistance in the
technical development of the strategy, support to hire a Chief Resilience
Officer and engagement with the global city network and 100 Resilient
Cities expertise.


To date, total costs of the resilience program were $1,293,085 from
January 2015 to the 31^st December 2017. Of the total, $498,145 or 39% of
program costs were from City of Sydney funds. Funding in future years is
subject to further Council approval of future Operational Plans and
contributions from partners.


My contact details are below if you would like to follow up on anything.
Don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Yours sincerely



Beck Dawson
Chief Resilience Officer
Resilient Sydney
Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street,
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Telephone +61 2 9265 9956
Mobile +61 (0) 476 829 122
[7][email address]
[9]cid:image001.gif@01D28DF0.137B7090 [10]cid:image002.jpg@01D28DF0.137B7090
Pioneered by the Rockefeller
Resilient Sydney
A 100 Resilient Cities initiative with
metropolitan Sydney
Hosted by the City of Sydney



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1. mailto:[FOI #4399 email]
2. mailto:[email address]
7. mailto:[email address]

Dear Beck Dawson,

Thank you for the information. I look forward to the eventual strategy document release.

Yours sincerely,
