Research Funded Projects including discipline area, institution and people involved.

Franklin Tennyson made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Research Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Franklin Tennyson

Dear Australian Research Council,

I'm trying to access a more comprehensive database of all the work you have funded including names of people collaborating with one another, their institutions and what subject area they are working in with regards to the projects.

Is there a more comprehensive list than the spreadsheet you provide on your website, especially one that goes further back in time?

For example cover pages to project report or spreadsheets that your programme managers keep to watch over projects spending your money?

Any more detailed data you can provide on the research projects, the 'outputs' they are producing and whom is involved would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,

Franklin (The Tumbleweed) Tennyson

Letitia Abela, Australian Research Council

Dear Mr Tennyson

I have forwarded your questions to [email address] as they may be able to assist you in your request. Where information is available publicly, it is not necessary for people to apply under the FOI Act.

Kind regards


Letitia Abela
In-House Legal Counsel
Office of the CEO
Australian Research Council

Tel: 02 6287 6622
Fax: 02 6287 6601
[email address]

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Letitia Abela, Australian Research Council

Dear Mr Tennyson,

Data detailing grants provided by the ARC since the establishment of the National Competitive Grants Program in 2001 (for funding commencing in 2002) are available on the ARC website at

Two spreadsheets published on this page will be of particular use to you:
• Completed projects, Part 1: Projects and Fellowships
• Current projects, Part 1: Projects and Fellowships

These data include: the names of all investigators named in the funding proposals, the name of the organisation administering the funding, the funding scheme, funding allocations by year, primary field of research code, project title, and project description. A separate Fellowships tab also provides the names of those awarded fellowships under ARC funding schemes. Please advise us if these data do not cover the timeframe for which you are seeking information.

Regarding research outputs, the ARC provides consolidated data in its annual report but it does not make the details of outputs of individual grants publicly available. The ARC is implementing a new Open Access policy that requires any publication arising from an ARC-funded project to be deposited into an open access institutional repository within a twelve month period from the date of publication.

Kind regards

ARC Parliamentary

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