Request for unclassified/declassified intelligence related to the lead up to the Fiji Coup 2006
Dear Inspector General of Intelligence and Security,
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am seeking any available unclassified/declassified Australian intelligence
assessments from the lead up period to the 2006 Fiji coup d'etat. I
need this information for a research assignment on the intelligence
effectiveness related to that coup, for a university assignment. (I
am studying toward a Masters Degree in Policing, Intelligence and
Counter Terrorism.) Any help you can give me would be gratefully
Yours faithfully,
James Lukac
Thank you for contacting the Inspector-General of Intelligence and
Office hours are Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5pm.
Your email will be considered on the first business day after receipt.
Responses will generally be received within 5 working days. Should you
wish to phone, the number for general inquiries is 02 6271 5692.
*Please note the office is closed on public holidays and each year between
Christmas and New Year (25 December – 1 January inclusive).
Correspondence reference: 2016/110
File reference: 2015/117
James Lukac
[email address]
Dear Mr Lukac
I refer to your request for unclassified or declassified Australian intelligence assessments under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).
The Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security (OIGIS) is an exempt agency under the FOI Act and is not compelled to meet your request for records. Records are subject to release under the Archives Act 1983 once they enter the ‘open’ period. Until recently the open period related to Commonwealth records over 30 years old. Amendments to the Archives Act in 2010 resulted in a change in the ‘closed’ period from 30 years to 20 years. This change will be fully implemented by 2020. Records that have entered the open period are eligible for public release, after the Inspector-General determines whether any information should be exempt on national security grounds. Records can be obtained under the Archives Act by contacting the National Archives of Australia (NAA).
On behalf of
Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security
Phone 02 6271 5692 | Web | Email [IGIS request email]
1 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600