Request for protocols and ammendments relating to trials using ADF personnel.
Dear Australian Defence Human Research Ethics Committee,
I am requesting the original application documents, approved protocols and any documented amendments relating to the ADHREC protocols numbered 249/01, 216/00 and 292/02.
Yours faithfully,
Jane Quinn
Good morning
Thank you for your email. Your email has been forwarded for consideration/action.
Kind regards
FOI Operations
[email address]
(02) 6266 2200
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,
Please find attached the preliminary assessment of FOI charges
associated with FOI 180/15/16.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Assistant Director - Media Case Management FOI
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Building F065
Level 2-012
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Alternative email: [email address] <mailto:[email address]>
Privacy Statement:
FOI Act:
FOI Guidelines:
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact
the sender and delete the email.
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
I am writing to request that the charges for this FOI request be waived on the grounds that:
'giving of access to the documents requested is in the general public interest or in the interest of a substantial section of the public.'
These documents will be used for academic research purposes, research which is widely applicable to the general public. As such, I request that the charges for this FOI be waived as access to this information is in the general public interest.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,
Thank you for your email.
Section 29 of the FOI Act provides 30 days for decisions on charges to
be made. As such, we will consider your contentions and provide a
decision by no later than 5 February 2016.
In the meantime, should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
MECC Division
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,
I have been asked to confirm that the required protocols are:
216/00; and
The reason for confirming this detail is that the first 2 protocols
relate to Mefloquine, however the third protocol relates to another
Grateful for your earliest advice. Happy to discuss.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Assistant Director - Media Case Management FOI
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Building F065
Level 2-012
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Alternative email: [email address] <mailto:[email address]>
Privacy Statement:
FOI Act:
FOI Guidelines:
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact
the sender and delete the email.
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
Thank you for your email. Yes, the numbers are correct.
The first two trials are related to mefloquine and the third is indeed a vaccine trial, this is correct.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Thanks for your super quick response.
Theresa Stinson
MECC Division
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
I have yet to receive a response to my FOI request. By law, I should have received a response by 28 January 2016. Can you advise when one might be forthcoming?
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good morning Ms Quinn,
Thank you for your email, you may recall that on 6 January 2016 you
sought waiver of the charges associated with your request.
My email of 7 January 2016, attached, advises that the department has 30
days to consider your waiver request and that a response must be
provided to you by no later than 5 February 2016.
I trust this clarifies the situation for you.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
MECC Division
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,
Please find attached the decision on your request to have the charges
associated with your request waived.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Assistant Director - Media Case Management FOI
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Building F065
Level 2-012
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Alternative email: [1][email address]
Privacy Statement:[3]
FOI Act: [4]
FOI Guidelines:
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the
sender and delete the email.
Visible links
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Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
Thank you for your email. I do not agree with your analysis of my request.
You state that you do not consider my request to be in the public interest on grounds including that of relevancy and timing. Public disclosure of materials related to clinical trials is always in the public interest, no matter how much time has elapsed since their undertaking, to ensure transparency of process and outcomes. The fact that data from clinical trials must now be made publicly available is for exactly this reason. Recent historical reanalysis of trials which investigated efficacy and safety of Paroxetine would indicate that the workings and administration of such trials should always be freely available for public scrutiny, and is absolutely in the public interest.
That charges are to be raised against those undertaking academic research in this area suggests that little value is placed on this enterprise by your department, which again goes against public interest in this area. Outcomes of academic research is published in peer-reviewed journals, opinions pieces in the media, and can be represented in any media forum (film, television or radio documentary). So public awareness will automatically be part of any outcome from release of this information.
The payment advice information does not appear to be attached to your response. Please can you send me the relevant document for paying the deposit for release of the information in response to my request. I trust it will not take a further 30 days for this to happen.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good afternoon Ms Quinn,
Thank you for your email below. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your charges review, you are certainly entitled to seek further review.
Nonetheless, I have attached the deposit authorisation form, this will enable us to raise an invoice for your payment. Please note that processing will not begin until such time as you provide a receipt for the deposit. At that time the FOI clock will re-start and I will advise you of the due date for a response to your request.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Governance and Reform Division
Building F065
Level 2 - 057
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
I am still waiting to hear the outcome of further review of my request for a fee-waiver for this FOI request. Please Can you advise when an answer may be given?
Obviously I do not want to deposit funds until a final decision on wether a fee-waiver will be applied has been reached and this decision on this is somewhat overdue. Please can you respond to this request with some urgency?
With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good morning Ms Quinn,
The charges decision for FOI 180/15/16 was forwarded to you on 5 February 2016. A copy of the email containing the letter is attached.
As we did not hear from you by the required date, your request was deemed withdrawn.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Assistant Director - Media Case Management
Freedom of Information
Governance and Reform Division
Building F065
Level 2 - 057
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Alternative email: [email address]
Privacy Statement:
FOI Act:
FOI Guidelines:
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
I'd like to request this FOI be reopened. I was unclear why I would need to provide payment of a 'deposit' if my fee waiver review had not be concluded. AS such, I would be grateful if you could reopen this request, review my request for a fee waiver as suggested, and then advise on the outcome of that review. I am very grateful for your assistance in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good morning Ms Quinn,
Apologies for the confusion.
As requested, I will refer this matter to the Review team who will consider your request to review my decision to impose charges for this request.
They will contact you directly.
Kind regards
Theresa Stinson
Assistant Director - Media Case Management
Freedom of Information
Governance and Reform Division
Building F065
Level 2 - 057
Gallipoli Barracks
Ph: (07) 3332 6359
Alternative email: [email address]
Privacy Statement:
FOI Act:
FOI Guidelines:
Dear Stinson, Theresa MRS,
Thank you very much, I'll wait for further news regarding my request.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn
1. I refer to your email below, dated 12 September 2016, in which you requested an internal review under section 54 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), of the decision by Mrs Theresa Stinson, Assistant Director FOI on 5 February 2016, to impose FOI processing charges in the amount of $305.00.
2. Mrs Stinson's notice of decision on your request for review of charges relates to your request for access, under the FOI Act, to:
'I am requesting the original application documents, approved protocols and any documented amendments relating to the ADHREC protocols numbered 249/01, 216/00 and 292/02.'
3. The purpose of this email is to advise that your application for internal review has been forwarded to the authorised decision maker, Mr Tony Corcoran, Assistant Secretary Information Management and Access. Mr Corcoran will advise you of the outcome of your internal review.
4. The statutory deadline for you to receive a response from Defence is 13 October 2016, which is 30 days from the date in which your application for internal review was received by the FOI Review Team.
5. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions.
Freedom of Information Review Team
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence
CP1-6-008 | PO Box 7910 | Campbell Park CANBERRA BC ACT 2610
Phone: (02) 6266 4434
E-mail [email address]
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch Governance and Reform Division ___________________________________________________________________________
Department of Defence * CP1-6-008 * PO Box 7910 * Canberra BC ACT 2610 phone +61 2 6266 4434 * fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email [email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
IMPORTANT: This e-mail remains the property of the Australian Defence Organisation and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the CRIMES ACT 1914. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the e-mail.
Dear FOIReview,
Many thanks, I look forward to the outcome of their deliberations.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn
1. Thank you for your email received on 13 September 2016, in
which it was interpreted you sought an internal review of the charges
decision you received under the FOI Act.
2. This email is to inform you of the decision by Mrs Melissa
Davidson, Assistant Director – Internal Review, on your internal review
3. Mrs Davidson has decided to uphold Mrs Stinson’s decision to
impose charges.
4. The statement of reasons detailing Mrs Davidson’s decision is
attached. An FOI Deposit Authorisation form is also attached.
Rights of review
5. The FOI Act provides for rights of review of decisions. Should
you be dissatisfied with Mrs Davidson’s decision you have the right to
seek review. Please find attached a copy of your review rights.
6. Please note that you only have 30 days from the date of receipt
of this decision to exercise your right to submit an application to the
Australian Information Commissioner for external review.
7. If you have any questions in relation to this matter, please
contact this office.
Kind regards
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence · CP1-6-008 · PO Box 7910 · Canberra BC ACT 2610
phone +61 2 6266 4434 · fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email
[1][email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
Dear FOIReview,
Thank you very much for conducting this review on my behalf. I shall request an invoice for payment, as directed.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn
I refer to your FOI request and to your email below, in which you indicated you will be requesting an invoice for payment.
Just to make sure you understand the process, in order to proceed with this matter you need to complete the attached authorisation form and return it to the FOI Directorate by 10 November 2016. Upon receipt of the authorisation form a receipt will then be generated, which can take up to five days.
As stated in the statement of reasons (attached again for your ease of reference), our office will not be able to process the request until a receipt is received in our office notifying that the deposit amount has been paid.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch Governance and Reform Division ___________________________________________________________________________
Department of Defence · CP1-6-008 · PO Box 7910 · Canberra BC ACT 2610 phone +61 2 6266 4434 · fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email [email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
IMPORTANT: This e-mail remains the property of the Australian Defence Organisation and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the CRIMES ACT 1914. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the e-mail.
Dear Joanne,
Many thanks for your message, I will complete the form and send today.
Can you advise an email address which I can send a scanned copy to? The email address at the bottom of the form seems to be missing.
Many thanks for your help,
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Hi Jane
Thank you for your email. Once you've completed the form, please email to [email address].
Kind regards
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch Governance and Reform Division ___________________________________________________________________________
Department of Defence * CP1-6-008 * PO Box 7910 * Canberra BC ACT 2610 phone +61 2 6266 4434 * fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email [email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
IMPORTANT: This e-mail remains the property of the Australian Defence Organisation and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the CRIMES ACT 1914. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the e-mail.
Dear FOIReview,
I have made the required payment some 2 weeks ago. When can I expect to receive my information?
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn,
1. I refer to your correspondence in which you sought
access, under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), to:
“I am requesting the original application documents, approved protocols
and any documented amendments relating to the ADHREC protocols numbered
249/01, 216/00 and 292/02.”
2. Your request was forwarded to VCDF Group for
consideration. Ms Paula Sear, Director Health Service Delivery has
advised that your request covers documents which contain information of a
commercial nature of a number of third parties.
3. Ms Sear has determined that there is requirement to
consult the third parties under section 27 of the FOI Act, before making a
decision on the release of the documents.
4. Subsection 15(6) of the FOI Act provides for an
extension of 30 days to the statutory time limit for processing requests.
Therefore, the deadline for providing you with the decision on your
request is now 18 December 2016.
5. The FOI Act can be found at
6. I would be grateful if you could confirm if the FOI
Directorate could disclose your identity as the applicant to the third
parties for the purpose of consultation. While you are under no obligation
to reveal your identity as the applicant and we will not disclose your
identity without consent, in our experience, third parties will generally
be more likely to object to the release of their information if they do
not know who the applicant is.
7. Should you have any questions relating to your
request, please do not hesitate to contact our office via telephone on
(02) 6266 2200 or via email to [1][email address].
Yours sincerely
Matt Ashauer
Case Manager
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence
PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610
(02) 6266 2096
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the
sender and delete the email.
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
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sender and delete the email.
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Good afternoon Ms Quinn
As your internal review application was finalised on 11 October 2016 and your payment of the invoice was received on 27 October 2016, your request is now being processed by FOI case management. The relevant case manager will be in touch with you shortly.
Please contact me if you have any further questions.
Kind regards
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch Governance and Reform Division ___________________________________________________________________________
Department of Defence * CP1-6-008 * PO Box 7910 * Canberra BC ACT 2610 phone +61 2 6266 4434 * fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email [email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
IMPORTANT: This e-mail remains the property of the Australian Defence Organisation and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the CRIMES ACT 1914. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the e-mail.
Dear FOIReview,
I am happy for you to provide my name to the 3rd party.
I am a little surprised that this issue had not been noted prior to this point in the process as this must have always been the case. Can you advise why this was not raised before?
I would also be grateful if the additional 30 days could be from the date of payment, not the date of your reply to my prompt for information.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn
Thank you for your email. As mentioned in my email of yesterday (attached), the internal review process has been finalised. As such, your FOI request is now being handled by a case manager in the FOI case management team.
That being said, I will forward your email to the relevant case manager which states you agree to releasing your identity as the FOI applicant.
In relation to consultation, I note the Accredited Decision Maker (ADM) made a decision to consult third parties on day 22 of your request. The ADM then notified the FOI case management team of the decision to consult, which you were advised of yesterday (10 Nov 2016).
Should you have any further questions in relation to the processing of your request, please contact the relevant case manager in the FOI case management team.
Kind regards
Joanne Kopec
Case Manager
FOI Reviews and Guidance
Information Management and Access Branch Governance and Reform Division ___________________________________________________________________________
Department of Defence * CP1-6-008 * PO Box 7910 * Canberra BC ACT 2610 phone +61 2 6266 4434 * fax +61 2 6266 2112 | email [email address]
Please note that I work part time: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I work on Wednesdays during pay week.
IMPORTANT: This e-mail remains the property of the Australian Defence Organisation and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the CRIMES ACT 1914. If you have received this e-mail in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the e-mail.
Matt Ashauer
Case Manager
Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence
PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610
(02) 6266 2096
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the
sender and delete the email.
Ashauer, Matthew MR would like to recall the message, "I love you Lucy , I have such a crush!! [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]".
Dear Ashauer, Matthew MR,
This FOI request is now overdue. Please can you advise when I can expect to receive the documents requested.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Good afternoon
1. The purpose of this email is to provide you with the
decision on your request.
2. The statutory deadline for you to receive a response to your
request was 18 December 2016. However, this date was Sunday. In accordance
with the FOI Guidelines issued by the Australian Information Commissioner,
if the last day for notifying a decision falls on a Saturday, Sunday or a
public holiday, the timeframe will expire on the first day following which
is none of those days. As such, the due date for you to receive a
response is 19 December 2016.
3. The statement of reasons detailing the Accredited
Decision Maker’s decision is attached.
4. In summary, the Accredited Decision Maker decided to
partially release three documents.
Payment of Charges
5. In order to finalise your request, you are required
to pay the remaining $228.75. An invoice for the outstanding balance has
been sent to your personal email address.
FOI Disclosure Log
6. In accordance with the requirements of section 11C of
the FOI Act, Defence is required to publish details of information
released under the FOI Act. Defence publishes identified documents
relating to requests within five working days of receipt by the applicant.
Defence will also publish this decision notice with privacy deletions.
Rights of Review
7. Under the provisions of section 54 of the FOI Act,
you are entitled to request a review of this decision. Your review rights
are detailed in an attachment.
8. Should you have any questions in regard to this
matter please contact this office.
Kind regards,
Dr Melanie Beacroft
Case Manager, Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence
PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610
(02) 6266 3685
I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence
and is subject to the jurisdiction of section 70 of the Crimes Act 1914.
If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the
sender and delete the email.
Dear Beacroft, Melanie DR,
Can you please advise further why only a section of the information identified under this FOI will be supplied?
I ask this question particularly in response to the statement made by the accredited decision maker:
'Releasing details that would identify individuals acting outside the course of their duties could reasonably be expected to cause significant harm to the
individuals involved by compromising their privacy and their involvement in a drug study.'
Can you indicate why this statement would apply this this FOI as any documents held by ADHREC will, by their nature, only pertain to members engaged either with or by the ADF for the purposes of medical research - which would automatically then fall entirely within their course of duties. Can it then be inferred from this information that persons involved were acting 'outside' their normal course of duties with respect to these documents?
I am unclear as to how this specifically response relates to this FOI and would be grateful for you to advise on this point.
Finally, as the amount of information to be provided has been reduced, will the processing fee be reduced commensurate with this provision? This would seem both appropriate and logical. I would be grateful if you could advise on this point in the very near future and prior to the date on which the invoice must be paid.on 13 January.
Yours sincerely,
Jane Quinn
Dear Ms Quinn,
The decision maker identified material that was exempt under the FOI Act as explained in your Statement of Reasons.
My suggestion is to wait until you get a copy of the documents and then consider the decision maker's comments in light of any redactions on the documents. Once you've looked at the two in conjunction, the reasoning many become clearer.
If not, then you are welcome to seek a review of the decision.
In regards to the charges, the amount relates to the number of hours to process your request in conjunction with the number of pages. The number of redactions do not reduce the amount.
Kind regards,
Dr Melanie Beacroft
Case Manager, Freedom of Information
Information Management and Access
Governance and Reform Division
Department of Defence
PO Box 7910 Canberra ACT 2610
(02) 6266 3685
I work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday