We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Karren Hazledine please sign in and let everyone know.

Request for information on the risk contingency project

We're waiting for Karren Hazledine to read recent responses and update the status.

Karren Hazledine

Dear SA Health,

In 2012 SA HEALTH participated in a project that was initiated by a consulting firm. That project used critical health services including mental health services as part of a testing process.

Please provide details of the cost of that project and the projects linked to that project in which actors were employed to assist with initiating those projects.

Those projects were used to conceal a number of crimes in South Australia and prevented important information from being presented to the Royal commission into response to institutional child sexual violence.

Yours faithfully,

Karren hazledine

Karren Hazledine

Health:CE, SA Health

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SA Health will:

·    aim to open all correspondence within 1 business day of receipt and
aim to respond within 30 working days of receipt. The most appropriate SA
Health representative will respond to your enquiry.

·    where any issues you raise are outside SA Health’s responsibilities,
forward your correspondence to another Minister or agency for their
attention. We will let you know when we do this.

·    where the matter relates to an individual care or point of care
treatment including elective surgery waiting timeframe it will be referred
to the relevant Local Health Network (LHN)/ SA Ambulance (SAAS) for a
direct response to you. You are encouraged to contact the LHN/SAAS
directly in the first instance.

·    where the issues, matter or information provided is just for noting
or no action has been requested it will be provided to the relevant health
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·    only respond to items where SA Health/Chief Executive is the primary
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·    not reply to issues that are addressed by the information provided in
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COVID-19 : For information about COVID-19 and Vaccinations please refer to
the website [1]here

For further information regarding COVID or COVID Symptoms, you may wish to
call National Coronavirus helpline on 1800 020 080, or refer to the
healthdirect website [2]here


Students requesting information for research papers are referred to
the [3]Data.SA website for list of available data sets.

All other information regarding SA Health, please refer to our
website [4]here


 Kind regards 

Office of the Chief Executive

Department for Health and Wellbeing

Email | [5][email address]

Mail |  PO Box 287, Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA 5001

Website | [6]https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/

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Visible links
1. https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/c...
2. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/
3. https://data.sa.gov.au/
4. https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/c...
5. mailto:[email address]
6. https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/

Health:FOI (OCE),

3 Attachments


Dear Karen


Thank you for contacting the Department for Health and Wellbeing.


The attached emails have been forwarded from the CE inbox to the FOI Unit.


Please note these emails are not a valid Freedom of Information (FOI)
application(s). To lodge a FOI, please choose one of the following

o completing a form
o completing an [2]online form
o send a letter or email.

If you do pursue one of these options, you will need to address the
following requirements under the Freedom of Information Act 1991 (SA) (FOI


13—Applications for access to agencies' documents

An application for access to an agency's document—

(a)    must be in writing; and

(b)    must specify that it is made under this Act; and

(c)     must be accompanied by such application fee as may be prescribed;

(d)    must contain such information as is reasonably necessary to enable
the document to be identified; and

(e)    must specify an address in Australia to which notices under this
Act should be sent; and

(f)      must be lodged at an office of the agency, and may request that
access to the document be given in a particular way.


Please note, in particular, clause 13(d) of the FOI Act requires there to
be sufficient information provided to enable the documents to be


Accordingly, we suggest if you do elect to make formal FOI applications in
future, please provide further detailed information to enable searches to
occur as the requests in the attached emails are not clear. For example,
the agency would need further specifics to identify the project you are
referring to as well as the name of the consulting firm (if known).


The scope of your second email is also unclear. If you did proceed with a
FOI application, it would need to explain what tests you are referring to,
a date range and which agency you are seeking these results from and/or if
this request is connected to the first email. These suggestions are
provided by way of example only.


Please do not hesitate to reach out if you require assistance on (08) 8226
6145 or [3][email address]

Please note, there will be no further action on these emails.


Kind regards


Freedom of Information

Corporate Communications

Department for Health and Wellbeing

Government of South Australia


Tel: 8226 6145

Fax: 8226 6955

Email: [4][email address]


[5]DHW_Logo mono


This email may contain confidential information, which also may be legally
privileged. Only the intended recipient(s) may access, use, distribute or
copy this email. If this email is received in error, please inform the
sender by return email and delete the original. If there are doubts about
the validity of this message, please contact the sender by telephone. It
is the recipient’s responsibility to check the email and any attached
files for viruses.



Visible links
1. https://www.archives.sa.gov.au/__data/as...
2. Link to external site.
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Karren Hazledine please sign in and let everyone know.