REQUEST FOI - ADF Decision Brief
Dear Defence FOI,
It’s interesting and somewhat disappointing the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has a Public Affairs Unit, named the 1st Joint Public Affairs Unit (1JPAU), yet there is very little to no information available on the Defence website about the basics of such as where it is located, what is its mission and primary role, and where it fits within the ADF Chain of Command and Control? Yet the most information I can find about 1JPAU is via here? ( As I would like to know why this ADF Joint unit is void of a presence on the ADF Website, compared to what the US Military have (
Under the Defence FOI Act, I am seeking the Decision Brief which relates to ADF social media and the decision to remove the 1JPAU social media and associated presence (YouTube and Instagram).
I look forward to Defence FOI, providing this soon,
Yours faithfully,
John Davis
Dear John
I refer to your correspondence of 18 December 2024, seeking access to
documents held by the Department of Defence (Defence), under the Freedom
of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). This email is to advise you that your
request has been received and allocated for Case Management.
The scope of your request is:
…the Decision Brief which relates to ADF social media and the decision to
remove the 1JPAU social media and associated presence (YouTube and
Timeframe and Request for Extension
The statutory timeframe to provide you with a decision on your request
ends on 17 January 2025. This period may be extended if we need to consult
with third parties, or for other reasons. We will advise you if this
Please note that Defence is subject to a reduced work period during
December and January. Therefore, we are seeking your agreement to a 30-day
extension of time under section 15AA of the FOI Act. If you agree to the
extension, the new statutory timeframe to provide you with a decision will
end on 16 February 2025.
It would be much appreciated if you could confirm your agreement to this
extension of time via e-mail by 5:00pm 23 December 2024.
Please note that where the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public
holiday, the timeframe will expire on the next working day. This is in
accordance with the FOI Guidelines issued by the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner under section 93A of the FOI Act.
Where staff details are captured in documents within the scope of your FOI
request, this information will be redacted; this includes private email
addresses, signatures, personnel (PMKeyS) numbers and mobile telephone
numbers, unless you specifically request such details. Defence excludes
duplicates of documents and any documents sent to or from you.
Furthermore, Defence only considers final versions of documents.
Defence may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access to
the documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Charges)
Regulations 2019. We will notify you if your request attracts a charge.
Please note that there is no charge for documents that contain the
personal information of the applicant.
Disclosure Log
Documents released under the FOI Act may be published on Defence’s
disclosure log, located on our website.
Contact Details
We will contact you via the email address you have provided. Please advise
if you would prefer us to use an alternative means of contact.
Should you have any questions relating to your request, please do not
hesitate to contact me via email: [1][email address].
Kind regards
Freedom of Information Team
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division
Department of Defence
[2]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence
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1. mailto:[email address]
Dear John
Please find attached the Decision relating to Defence FOI 493/24/25.
Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitled to request a review of
this decision. Your review rights are attached.
Please contact this office should you require any further information.
Freedom of Information Team
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial & Executive Coordination and Communication Division
Department of Defence
[1]Freedom of information requests | About | Defence
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may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
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