Repeated infringement notices regarding my garden

Alan Waallis made this Right to Information request to Brisbane City Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Brisbane City Council ,I wish to appeal the right of strangers who do not reside in my area to repeatedly use this department as a means to harass me over my permaculture gardening methods.After 42 years of strictly abiding by Brisbane City Council guidelines in my garden and zero complaints from my neighbors I find this unjust given I have no right of appeal.

Yours faithfully, Alan Wallis

BrisbaneRTI, Brisbane City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Wallis,

Thank you for your email. Information about appealing or disputing an infringement is available on Council's website at

If you wish to seek access to documents relating to complaints made about your garden, you can lodge a formal access application under the RTI/IP Acts (noting that we will not release information that identifies the complainants and I attach for your information a copy of the Office of the Information Commissioner's fact sheet on seeking access to complaint documents) -


David Simons
Right to Information and Information Privacy Officer | Governance, Council and Committee Services
City Administration and Governance | BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL
Brisbane Square | 266 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4000
Phone: 07-3403 6786 | Email: [email address]


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