Removal of restrictions on Jabiru Aircraft

Rob Cumming made this Freedom of Information request to Civil Aviation Safety Authority

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Civil Aviation Safety Authority.

Dear Civil Aviation Safety Authority,

Please provide the advice and relevant material [e-mail, letters, telephone calls and verbal discussions] that form the basis for the recent press release by Jonathon Aleck surrounding the removal of restrictions from Jabiru Aircraft.

In particular, the material that gives the direct evidence for the comments made by Jonathon Aleck in July 2016.

I require you to provide the effect and basis for the comments.

Jonathon Aleck in part said:

“Our concerns were real and demonstrable and not the result of an exclusively CASA assessment, with the Air Traffic Safety Bureau corroborating as well,” Dr Aleck said."

Yours faithfully,

Rob Cumming

Gobbitt, David, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Good afternoon Rob,

I confirm receipt of your FOI request of 18 October 2016.

I will be the contact officer for your request and am contactable as detailed below.

I will be in touch shortly regarding your request.

David Gobbitt A/g Freedom of Information Coordinator Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1281
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Gobbitt, David, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Good morning Rob,

I am attempting to define exactly what you are seeking with your FOI request.

Jonathan Aleck made a number of comments in the article to which you reference, including the comment quoted in your request.

Are you seeking material regarding CASA's initial concerns around Jabiru (resulting in the restrictions being applied in the first place), are you seeking material regarding Dr Aleck's comments that "the problem has not been solved" or are you seeking material regarding other comments made by Dr Aleck?

Grateful if you can advise so that I can reply appropriately to your request.

David Gobbitt A/g Freedom of Information Coordinator Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1281
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Dear Gobbitt, David,

The request is as follows:

1. All material (documents, e-mails, phone records, diary entries) that forms the basis for the action by CASA against Jabiru and the documents related to the decision and information leading to the promulgation of the AD;

2. Following the expiry of the AD in June 2016, the information supporting all statements made by Jonathon Aleck to the press, which say publicly "...the problem has not been solved..." and

3. All other documents, e-mails, phone records, diary entries of any other internal documents that support this notion

Yours sincerely,

Rob Cumming

Gobbitt, David, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1 Attachment

Good afternoon Rob,

Please find attached my decision letter in relation to your request.

David Gobbitt A/g Freedom of Information Coordinator Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1281
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Dear Gobbitt, David,

I have to hand your letter, but in that letter, you confuse the request, which I clarified recently.

I ask as follows:

Following the expiry of the Jabiru AD in June 2016, I require the information supporting all statements made by Jonathon Aleck to the press, which say publicly "...the problem has not been solved..."


The documents, e-mails, phone records, diary entries of any other internal documents that support this notion, since the expiry of the AD.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Cumming

Gobbitt, David, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Good morning Rob,

Are you seeking internal review of my decision regarding access to documents in this matter, or are you now modifying the scope of your request as follows:

Following the expiry of the Jabiru AD in June 2016, I require the information supporting all statements made by Jonathon Aleck to the press, which say publicly "...the problem has not been solved..."


The documents, e-mails, phone records, diary entries of any other internal documents that support this notion, since the expiry of the AD.

Grateful if you can clarify at your earliest convenience.

David Gobbitt A/g Freedom of Information Coordinator Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1281
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Dear Gobbitt, David,

It is clear what is required.

At the beginning of July 2016, Jonathon Aleck made a statement to the press in the terms previously outlined.

I require the documents supporting that statement from the time of the revocation of the Jabiru AD in June 2016.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Cumming

Gobbitt, David, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1 Attachment

Good morning Rob,

Please find attached my decision letter in relation to your request.

David Gobbitt A/g Freedom of Information Coordinator Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1281
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Dear Civil Aviation Safety Authority,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Civil Aviation Safety Authority's handling of my FOI request 'Removal of restrictions on Jabiru Aircraft'.

This does not at all answer my FOI request, which seeks the information actually used by Jonathon Aleck in making the statement to The Australian as reported.

I require the:

documents including but not limited to:

 Correspondence;
 File Notes;
 Meeting Notes;
 Internal Memo’s;
 Diary/ calendar entries;
 Telephone records;
 All data electronically collected, being by mobile phone, Dictaphone, tape recorder or mp3/4 recorder or other means
 E-mails;
 All database entries including entries into Sky Sentinel, TRIM and AIRS;
 Images;
 Individual FOI [Flight Operation Inspector], AWI comments and resulting documentation;
 All supervisory staff records relating to the matter;
 If referred to the CASA Board, all related Board minutes, discussions and recommendations made to advise CASA as to direction for the Board in relation to this

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Rob Cumming

Anastasi, Adam, Civil Aviation Safety Authority


I will handle the internal review request.

Please clarify whether you only seek access to documents relating to the removal of some of the Jabiru restrictions in 2016.

Adam Anastasi Manager
Advisory, Commercial and Legislative Drafting Section Legal Affairs, Regulatory Policy and International Strategy Branch Civil Aviation Safety Authority

p: 02 6217 1040
GPO Box 2005 CANBERRA ACT 2606

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Anastasi, Adam, Civil Aviation Safety Authority


I would appreciate a response to my email below by Monday.


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Dear Anastasi, Adam,

I object to your undertaking of the internal review. Please place a more appropriate person on the task.

Yours sincerely,

Rob Cumming

Anastasi, Adam, Civil Aviation Safety Authority


What is the basis of your objection?


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Dear Anastasi, Adam,

You are not the appropriate person for this given your previous CASA position as Head of Legal

Yours sincerely,

Rob Cumming

Anastasi, Adam, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

1 Attachment


I attach a decision letter.


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