We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are steven please sign in and let everyone know.

Religious Preference Of Acting Police Officer's In The State Of Victoria

We're waiting for steven to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Victoria Police,
This request is under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Does the department keep records of religious preference of people that apply to the academy, graduate from the academy, and officers that remain in and are currently in the force.

If so, can you please provide this data.

Yours faithfully,



This office is experiencing considerable delays in responding to requests and correspondence. We strongly suggest making your request online (via the link below) or sending any correspondence to this email address ([Victoria Police request email]).

Online link:


If your enquiry is regarding the progress of a submitted request, please note this office is currently experiencing a significant increase in workload. As a result, there are delays in completing requests which is on average 32 weeks after the due date.

We are endeavouring to process requests in order of receipt. This office will therefore not be responding to individual queries regarding delays in order to facilitate the processing of requests.

Please note you have the right to complain to the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) if you are concerned with the delay. OVIC can be contacted by email at [email address]

We appreciate your understanding during this time.

Freedom of Information Division
Governance and Assurance Department | Victoria Police
address: 311 Spencer Street, Docklands VIC 3008

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1 Attachment

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Good morning,

Thank you for your email. Instructions on how to submit a Freedom of Information Request can be found on our website: https://www.police.vic.gov.au/freedom-in....

Please note the request will need to be accompanied by a copy of your photo ID, and payment of the +ACQ-30.80 application fee or evidence for a fee waiver (e.g. Health care card).

If you choose to submit your request by mail then payment is required by either money order or cheque.

The role of the Freedom of Information Officer for Victoria Police is to receive and process requests made under the Act on behalf of the Chief Commissioner and to provide responses to those requests in terms of the provision of documents. This does not extend to the provision of information or the answering of questions.

Please also note that in accordance with section 67 of the Freedom of Information Act, an applicant is unable to obtain records created prior to 1977 unless the documents specifically relate to themselves.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Assistant information Officer
Freedom of Information Division
Investment, Governance and Assurance Department
Victoria Police
Email: foi+AEA-police.vic.gov.au.
Web: www.police.vic.gov.au
Dx: 210096
Mail: PO Box 913, MELBOURNE VIC 3001

OFFICIAL: Sensitive
-----Original Message-----
From: steven +ADw-foi+-request-11095-f4d788c4+AEA-righttoknow.org.au+AD4-
Sent: Tuesday, 13 February 2024 6:37 AM
To: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-MGR +ADw-foi+AEA-police.vic.gov.au+AD4-
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Religious Preference Of Acting Police Officer's In The State Of Victoria

CAUTION: This email originated outside of Victoria Police. Do not click or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and you are confident you know the content of this email is safe. If you suspect this email is malicious, please report it using the report message add-in on the tool bar and select +IBg-Phishing+IBk-.

Dear Victoria Police,
This request is under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.

Does the department keep records of religious preference of people that apply to the academy, graduate from the academy, and officers that remain in and are currently in the force.

If so, can you please provide this data.

Yours faithfully,



Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

Is foi+AEA-police.vic.gov.au the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to Victoria Police? If so, please contact us using this form:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


hide quoted sections

Can you please point to the act and section number that clearly confers power to demand Identification.

Can you please explain how you will utilize the identification.

Why would there be a need for identification for public information, and any information that is sensitive and not publicly available would be classified which does away with the need for identification because the information will not be provided.

What guarantee do you provide that my private information will not be used in a manner or perceived in a manner that is not for just simple request for analytical demographic data for matters of public interest.

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 guarantees information that is freely available to the public, if the information requested is not available to public, then please just state that this particular data is not available to the public.

I have never had any other department ask for identification, I am having trouble understanding where the line is drawn, can you please provide the document that you relied upon to create a distinction between Victoria Police and any other public services obligation to provide information under the jurisdiction of a federally enacted law.

I did not ask a question, I requested analytical data, which I would presume would be kept in digital storage and would be accessible at a keystroke, the requests is for factual accurate analytical data, provided that you even have this data.

It is not a request for subjective opinions, I am only interested in accurate analytical data.

The difference between me obtaining such information and not obtaining such data cannot be a request that does not include payment of money, or does not include my identification and a request that does include payment and identification, these are internal Victoria police policies, otherwise, please provide, in verbatim, where it is stated that I can be denied the requested information due to not making a payment or not providing identification.

Attempting to subvert the one legislation that has been made for the people, shows that the peoples interests are of low priority to this particular public service department. It leaves me with the feeling that some thought has gone into finding ways to deny information, rather than focussing on providing information.

Just so I am clear on this, you will not provide any information unless payment is made and Identification is provided, and this is absolute, no exceptions?

Freedom implies that the information be freely available, without any restrictions, provided that the information is not sensitive information.

Yours sincerely,



1 Attachment

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Good afternoon,

If your request is non personal we do not require a copy of your ID when your submit your request.

Thank you,

Assistant information Officer
Freedom of Information Division
Governance and Assurance Department +AHw- Victoria Police

OFFICIAL: Sensitive
-----Original Message-----
From: steven +ADw-foi+-request-11095-f4d788c4+AEA-righttoknow.org.au+AD4-
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 10:47 PM
To: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION-MGR +ADw-foi+AEA-police.vic.gov.au+AD4-
Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - Religious Preference Of Acting Police Officer's In The State Of Victoria

CAUTION: This email originated outside of Victoria Police. Do not click or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and you are confident you know the content of this email is safe. If you suspect this email is malicious, please report it using the report message add-in on the tool bar and select +IBg-Phishing+IBk-.

Can you please point to the act and section number that clearly confers power to demand Identification.

Can you please explain how you will utilize the identification.

Why would there be a need for identification for public information, and any information that is sensitive and not publicly available would be classified which does away with the need for identification because the information will not be provided.

What guarantee do you provide that my private information will not be used in a manner or perceived in a manner that is not for just simple request for analytical demographic data for matters of public interest.

The Freedom of Information Act 1982 guarantees information that is freely available to the public, if the information requested is not available to public, then please just state that this particular data is not available to the public.

I have never had any other department ask for identification, I am having trouble understanding where the line is drawn, can you please provide the document that you relied upon to create a distinction between Victoria Police and any other public services obligation to provide information under the jurisdiction of a federally enacted law.

I did not ask a question, I requested analytical data, which I would presume would be kept in digital storage and would be accessible at a keystroke, the requests is for factual accurate analytical data, provided that you even have this data.

It is not a request for subjective opinions, I am only interested in accurate analytical data.

The difference between me obtaining such information and not obtaining such data cannot be a request that does not include payment of money, or does not include my identification and a request that does include payment and identification, these are internal Victoria police policies, otherwise, please provide, in verbatim, where it is stated that I can be denied the requested information due to not making a payment or not providing identification.

Attempting to subvert the one legislation that has been made for the people, shows that the peoples interests are of low priority to this particular public service department. It leaves me with the feeling that some thought has gone into finding ways to deny information, rather than focussing on providing information.

Just so I am clear on this, you will not provide any information unless payment is made and Identification is provided, and this is absolute, no exceptions?

Freedom implies that the information be freely available, without any restrictions, provided that the information is not sensitive information.

Yours sincerely,


-----Original Message-----

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Good morning,

Thank you for your email. Instructions on how to submit a Freedom of Information Request can be found on our website: https://www.police.vic.gov.au/freedom-in....

Please note the request will need to be accompanied by a copy of your photo ID, and payment of the +-ACQ-30.80 application fee or evidence for a fee waiver (e.g. Health care card).

If you choose to submit your request by mail then payment is required by either money order or cheque.

The role of the Freedom of Information Officer for Victoria Police is to receive and process requests made under the Act on behalf of the Chief Commissioner and to provide responses to those requests in terms of the provision of documents. This does not extend to the provision of information or the answering of questions.

Please also note that in accordance with section 67 of the Freedom of Information Act, an applicant is unable to obtain records created prior to 1977 unless the documents specifically relate to themselves.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,

Assistant information Officer
Freedom of Information Division
Investment, Governance and Assurance Department Victoria Police
Email: foi+-AEA-police.vic.gov.au.
Web: www.police.vic.gov.au
Dx: 210096
Mail: PO Box 913, MELBOURNE VIC 3001

OFFICIAL: Sensitive

Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

This request has been made by an individual using Right to Know. This message and any reply that you make will be published on the internet. More information on how Right to Know works can be found at:

Please note that in some cases publication of requests and responses will be delayed.

If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.


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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are steven please sign in and let everyone know.