
Dean Miles made this Right to Information request to Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet did not have the information requested.

Dear Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet,

My FOI & RTI request for the results of the Referendums held in Queensland

1) Qld Referendum results of consent by Her Majesty British Subjects of the Colony of Queensland, to become a Federation prior to commencement Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act UK 1900.
Again, Queen Victoria was informed the people had agreed (UNLAWFUL WITHOUT REFERENDUM) to unite into a Federation, was not factually correct. Western Australia wasn't included Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act UK 1900, Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 at commencement.

2) Evidence of a Qld Referendum results between 1984-1986 whereas, total yes votes defeated no votes, giving consent by the people to severe ties.
Former Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke, statement to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II "The people had agreed"

3) Evidence from the Constitution of Queensland 1867, and Referendum, that Lawfully & Constitutionally gave Authority for Peter Beattie, to grant himself Commonwealth powers. Whereas High Court of Australia court records in Brisbane 2000, it was explained to His Honour, the Officer of Governor of Queensland RECONSTITUTED UNDER THE GREAT SEAL OF THE UNITED KINGDOM 1986, remains in force.

3) FOI & RTN - the Crowns documents, matters giving lawful consent, Assent, Royal Assent, Letters Patents for the Governor to replace Great Seal of the United Kingdom with a corporate Public Seal of the Office of Governor for use 2000/2001 - present (Gold - Emu & Kangaroo). Stark contrast to the High Court of Australia cases factual evidence, Great Seal of the UK, on the public record.

Yours faithfully,

Dean Miles

DPC Right to Information, Queensland Department of Premier and Cabinet

Dear Mr Miles

Thank you for your enquiry to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, received Monday 18 April 2022, regarding the results of the Referendums held in Queensland.

To request access to this information, you can submit a formal RTI application to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, however, given the nature of the information you are seeking (at least, for your items numbered 1-3) you may be best placed to contact Queensland State Archives (QSA)

QSA's details are as follows:

Email: [email address]

Telephone: (07) 3037 6777

435 Compton Road
QLD 4113

PO Box 1397
Sunnybank Hills
QLD 4109

The QSA Website with information about the Queensland State Archives collection including how to search their indexes and online catalogue of records (ArchivesSearch):

If you would like to proceed with applying to the Department of the Premier and Cabinet, you can apply using the online Right to Information Application form if you have a credit card

If you do not have a credit card and require a hard copy application form, please visit this link for further information and to download the relevant form

The application fee is currently $52.60. Please note that, in addition to the application fee, you may be required under section 60(1) of the RTI Act to pay further charges in relation to processing your request. You will be provided with a Charges Estimate Notice if further charges are payable.

Kind regards

Sarah Partosh
Policy Officer, Right to Information and Privacy
Governance and Integrity
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
P 07 3003 9231
Level 28, 1 William Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
PO Box 15185, City East, QLD 4002

show quoted sections

Dear DPC Right to Information,

Thanks, their won't be any Her Majesty left by then

130 . Supreme Court Act 1935 amended
(1) The amendments in this section are to the Supreme Court Act 1935 *.

[* Reprinted as at 9 February 2001.
For subsequent amendments see 2001 Index to Legislation of Western Australia, Table 1, p. 370 and Act No. 23 of 2002. ]

(2) Section 4 is amended as follows:

(a) in the definition of “Action” by deleting “by the Crown”;

(b) in the definition of “Cause” by deleting “by the Crown”.

(3) Section 9(1) is amended by deleting “Her Majesty” and inserting instead —

“ the Governor ”.

(4) Section 15(1) is amended by deleting “Royal Arms” and inserting instead —

“ armorial bearings of the State ”.

(5) Section 37(2) is repealed and the following subsection is inserted instead —

(2) Nothing in this section shall alter the practice in proceedings in relation to the prerogative and criminal jurisdiction of the Court.


(6) Section 50(1) is amended by deleting “by the Crown”.

(7) Section 51(1) is amended by deleting “by the Crown”.

(8) Section 56(1) is amended by deleting “by the Crown”.

(9) Section 119 is amended by deleting “to Her Majesty or any of her subjects, or other persons entitled in like manner as subjects”.

(10) Section 154(1) is amended by deleting “Her Majesty’s” and inserting instead —

“ The ”.

(11) Section 154(3), (4), (5) and (6) are each amended by deleting “Crown” in each place where it occurs and in each place inserting instead —

“ State ”.

(12) The Second Schedule is amended by deleting “our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and successors” and inserting instead —

“ the State of Western Australia

Yours sincerely,

Dean Miles