Reasons, duration and rates of Suspensions for Primary School students in years K-6 in the Wingecarribee Shire compared to other NSW regions.
Dear Department of Education and Communities NSW,
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act.
I require a report that will provide detailed information on the number of Primary School students that have been suspended in our local and regional area schools.
Can you please provide the following information on the number of students suspended in each of the Wingecarribee Shire Primary Schools over the past 5 years:
1) The number of suspensions per year for years K - 6.
2) The reasons for each suspension
3) The length of each suspension (days for Short / Long Suspensions)
4) The reason for the length of the suspension
5) The number of students with multiple suspensions each year for years K - 6
6) The number of suspensions for male students and female students for each year for
years K - 6
7) The number of students with Special Needs suspended each year for years K - 6
8) Comparison of Wingecarribee Shire Primary School suspensions against all other
Primary Schools in the Wollondilly District.
Yours faithfully,
Concerned Grandfather
Good afternoon
Please find attached the following documents for you to complete in order to request access to information held by the Department of Education:
1. GIPA Access application form;
2. GIPA Authority form (to be filled in if you are acting on behalf of another person or a child over the age of 12 years); and
3. GIPA Information for applicants – which contains information about the process.
Please complete the form and send back to the Information Access Unit, inclusive of the $30 application fee to:
The Manager
IA Unit, Legal Services
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If you have any further questions, please contact the IA Unit by telephone on 9561 8100 or via email at [DEC request email]
Kind Regards
Alex Morrison
Administration & Information Access Officer, Information Access Department of Education
Legal Services | Level 7, 35 Bridge St| Sydney NSW 2000|
P: (02) 9561 8100 | F: (02) 9561 1157
E: [DEC request email] |
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