Dear Department of Defence,

On 12 October 2022 a copy of the Question Time Folder index as at 5 September 2022 was released administratively (refer

This request is for access to a number of documents referenced in that index. I seek a copy of the current version of each of the following documents. If there is no current version, I seek access to the final version of the QTB/Hot Issue Brief.

Documents 0, 1, 3, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20.

For the avoidance of doubt, the document number referenced above is taken from the second column of the Question Time Folder index that was administratively released today.

Yours faithfully,


FOI Case Management, Department of Defence


Good afternoon BE,


I refer to your correspondence of 12 October 2022 seeking access under
the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) to documents held by the
Department of Defence (Defence). This email is to advise you that your
request has been received and allocated to a Case Manager.


The scope of your request is:


“On 12 October 2022 a copy of the Question Time Folder index as at 5
September 2022 was released administratively (refer


This request is for access to a number of documents referenced in that
index.  I seek a copy of the current version of each of the following
documents.   If there is no current version, I seek access to the final
version of the QTB/Hot Issue Brief.


Documents 0, 1, 3, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20.


For the avoidance of doubt, the document number referenced above is taken
from the second column of the Question Time Folder index that was
administratively released today”


Where staff details are captured in documents within the scope of your FOI
request, this information will be redacted; this includes private email
addresses, signatures, personnel (PMKeyS) numbers and mobile telephone
numbers, unless you specifically request such details. Defence excludes
duplicates of documents and any documents sent to or from you.
Furthermore, Defence only considers final versions of documents. If you
are seeking personal details of other individuals, please advise this
office by 27 October 2022 so that the decision maker can consider your


Defence may impose a charge for the work involved in providing access to
the documents in accordance with the Freedom of Information (Charges)
Regulations. You will be notified separately if your request attracts a


The statutory deadline for you to receive a response to your request is 11
November 2022.


Should you have any questions relating to your request, please do not
hesitate to contact: [1][email address].


Kind Regards


FOI Case Manager

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division

Department of Defence

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

FOI Case Management, Department of Defence


Good afternoon BE,


Due to the processing demands associated with your request, specifically
the large number of relevant business areas associated with your request,
our office is seeking your agreement to a 30 day extension of the
statutory deadline under section 15AA [extension with agreement] of the
FOI Act.


The current statutory deadline for you to receive a response to your
Defence FOI request is 11 November 2022.


Should you agree, the statutory deadline for you to receive a response to
your request will expire on 11 December 2022.


It would be much appreciated if you could confirm your agreement to this
extension of time via e-mail by: 5:00pm Thursday 27 October 2022.


Should you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hesitate
to contact: [email address]


Kind Regards,


FOI Case Manager

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division

Department of Defence



IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email



Dear FOI Case Management,
Thank you for your email. Noting the limited number of documents requested and the nature of the documents an extension of 30 days seems excessive and unreasonable.

However I agree to extend the time frame by 14 days to Friday 25 November 2022.

Yours sincerely,


FOI Case Management, Department of Defence


Dear BE,


I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request seeking access to the
following documents:


" I seek a copy of the current version of each of the following
documents.  If there is no current version, I seek access to the final
version of the QTB/Hot Issue Brief.


Documents 0, 1, 3, 11, 14, 17, 18, 20.”


The current statutory deadline for you to receive a response to your
Defence FOI request is 25 November 2022.


Due to the processing demands associated with your request, our office is
seeking your agreement to a 16 day extension of the statutory deadline
under section 15AA [extension with agreement] of the FOI Act. We will
endeavour to process your request as soon as we can.


Should you agree, the statutory deadline for you to receive a response to
your request will expire on 11 December 2022.


It would be much appreciated if you could confirm your agreement to this
extension of time via e-mail by close of business 28 November 2022.


I am the Case Manager for your request and should you have any questions
regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards,


Ryan | FOI Case Manager

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division

Department of Defence


02 5108 8851

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email



Dear FOI Case Management,

Thank you for your email. I note that the decision was due on 11 November 2022 and I have already provided a significant extension until 25 November 2022. Noting the small number of documents and the nature of the documents I do not agree to the further extension as requested and am concerned that the continued requests for extension is a deliberate attempt to thwart the objectives of the FOI Act.

I will however agree to an extension until 28 November 2022.

Yours sincerely,


Dear FOI Case Management,

I am writing to seek an update on my request which was due yesterday (noting that this was an extension of the original due date).

Can you please provide the documents and decision today.

Yours sincerely,


FOI Case Management, Department of Defence

Good morning BE,

Thank you for your email.

Defence is continuing to process your FOI request as a matter of priority and a Decision will be provided to you shortly.

Kind regards,

Ryan | FOI Case Manager
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Department of Defence

02 5108 8851

show quoted sections

Dear FOI Case Management,

Thank you for your reply. Can you confirm that the decision and documents will be provided to me today, noting that it is already out of date.
Yours sincerely,


FOI Case Management, Department of Defence

Dear BE,

Thank you for your email.

We are unable to provide you with a timeframe for when this Decision will be released, however we are continuing to process this request as a matter of priority.

Kind regards,

Ryan | FOI Case Manager
Media and Information Disclosure Branch
Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division
Department of Defence

02 5108 8851

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence. Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email immediately.

show quoted sections

Dear FOI Case Management,

Can you please provide an update on the status of my request noting it continues to be overdue in what seems to be deliberate non compliance with your obligations under the FOI Act.

Yours sincerely,


FOI Case Management, Department of Defence

3 Attachments


Dear BE,


Please find attached the Decision and documents relating to Defence FOI


Under section 54 of the FOI Act, you are entitled to request a review of
this decision. Your review rights are attached.


Please contact this office should you require any further information.


Kind regards,


FOI Case Manager

Media and Information Disclosure Branch

Ministerial and Executive Coordination & Communication Division

Department of Defence

IMPORTANT: This email remains the property of the Department of Defence.
Unauthorised communication and dealing with the information in the email
may be a serious criminal offence. If you have received this email in
error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the email