We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Steve Sharpen please sign in and let everyone know.

Qudos Bank Arena Vaccination Hub Contractor

Steve Sharpen made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Ministry of Health

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

We're waiting for Steve Sharpen to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear NSW Ministry of Health,

I have two daughters that were inoculated with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine at the Qudos Bank Arena late August , early September 2021. Neither of them were told that there was a risk of heart damage from myocarditis and pericarditis, which the TGA recognised as a potential adverse reaction on 23rd July 2021. Could you please reply with the name of the contracted medical company that oversaw the vaccination hub so I may pursue a medical negligence claim for failure to provide full informed consent.

Yours faithfully,

Steve Sharpen

MOH-GIPA, NSW Ministry of Health

Thank you for contacting the Ministry of Health GIPA inbox. This email
address is for GIPA Act (Government Information Public Access Act) related
enquiries only.


* For information related to COVID-19 please see NSW Health’s updated
advice and information on our [1]web page.  This includes the latest
updates, FAQs and a range of information for health professionals, as
well as a link to the NSW Government – Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage
that provides advice and information for community and businesses,
including information about COVID-19 symptoms, testing and social


* For information relating to your health or medical records, please
contact the [2]Local Health District or health service where you or
your family received care.


* For all non- GIPA Act related enquiries, or if you would like to
provide feedback please refer to the NSW Health feedback page:


For all GIPA related enquiries, we will attend to your message as soon as



Thank you

NSW Ministry of Health GIPA team

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Visible links
1. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious...
2. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/lhd/Pages/...
3. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/pages/feed...

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Steve Sharpen please sign in and let everyone know.