Properties owned, operated and managed by Mosman Council

Sally Cruse made this Government Information (Public Access) request to Mosman Municipal Council

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was successful.

Dear Mosman Municipal Council,

I would like a list of all premises that the Mosman Council currently manages, owns or operates including but not limited to the following:

- Venues (including those for hire)
- Club, community and sporting facilities
- Halls and function centres (inclusive of rehearsal spaces and town halls)
- Arts and creative spaces, libraries and galleries
- Office spaces

I would like information on use and availability please.

I would like the information provided in an excel spreadsheet formatted as such: premises name, premises address, premises phone number and website (if any).

Yours faithfully,

Sally Cruse

NoReply, Mosman Municipal Council

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Yours faithfully,

Public Officer
Mosman Council


Visible links

Tony Fitzpatrick, Mosman Municipal Council

Dear Sally,

Your request for access to Council information made on 1 November 2022 concerning property owned or controlled by Council has been referred to me for response. I apologise for the delay in getting back to you.

The information sought is publicly available on Council's website at

As such, Council will not be preparing any further documents in a different format containing the same information which is freely available on its website, as you have requested.


Tony Fitzpatrick
Manager Governance
Mosman Municipal Council
e [email address]
Civic Centre, Mosman Square | Spit Junction NSW 2088

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