Processes and procedures ensuring welfare of NT Public Housing Tennants

Simon Robert made this Freedom of Information request to NT Department of Housing

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by NT Department of Housing.

Dear NT Department of Housing,

I would like to obtain all internal processes and procedures in regards to the ensuring the welfare of NT Public housing tenants/residents.

Yours faithfully,
Simon Collister

Infoact DLGHCD, NT Department of Housing

Dear Mr Collister

Thank you for your enquiry and request under the Information Act 2002 (the Act).

Before I can process your request, you are required under section 18 of the Act to meet the following application requirements:

18 Application for access to government information
(1) A person may apply to a public sector organisation for access to government information held by the organisation, including the person's personal information.
(2) An application is to:
(a) be in writing; and
(b) specify the name of the applicant; and
(c) include sufficient details to identify the information; and
(d) specify an address to which correspondence regarding the application may be sent to the applicant.
(2A) The application is to be accompanied by the application fee.
(3) Before accepting an application, a public sector organisation must satisfy itself as to the identity of the applicant.

There is a $30.00 application fee payable for all requests for government information. You can make your payment by cheque made out to the Receiver of Territory Monies sent to GPO Box 4621, Darwin NT 0801 marked to my attention or deposit your payment into:

Bank: NAB Darwin
BSB: 085-461
Acct: 51261006
Ref: DLGHCD 51-0042

I will also require a copy of photographic identification attached to your request.

I would also ask that you refine your request to be more specific as it is quite broad. If you could please specify the information you require in more detail including date ranges.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Karan Aitken
Information Access Manager
Corporate Services
Department of Local Government, Housing and Community Development
Northern Territory Government

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-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Robert <[FOI #5762 email]>
Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2019 3:56 PM
To: Infoact DLGHCD <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Processes and procedures ensuring welfare of NT Public Housing Tennants

Dear NT Department of Housing,

I would like to obtain all internal processes and procedures in regards to the ensuring the welfare of NT Public housing tenants/residents.

Yours faithfully,
Simon Collister


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