Precise salaries paid to the ACCC’s SES officers for FY14/15, FY15/16 and FY16/17

Name withheld made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Dear Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC),

The following is an application for the purposes of the FOI Act.

I am conducting research, across a range of Government agencies, into the Government's enterprise bargaining framework for the Commonwealth Public Service. Specifically, in the interests of equity and transparency, whether the Government's policy to reduce the living standards of rank and file public servants (that is, public servants who are not considered senior executive service staff ('SES')) also extends to SES public servants.

I refer the ACCC to my FOI request made of the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner here (the 'OAIC request'):

By this application I make the same request of the ACCC albeit such that every reference to 'OAIC' in the OAIC request should be read as a reference to the 'ACCC'. I rely on all my submissions contained in the OAIC request, in support of this request made of the ACCC under s.15 of the FOI Act.

Further, I am amenable to the ACCC providing copies of relevant group certificates or otherwise a payroll report or other summary document with the names of the relevant officers redacted but only on the condition that each relevant officer's name be replaced by a single unique identifier such that each relevant SES officer's precise salary can be tracked over the three relevant financial years (eg. SES officer #1, SES officer #2, SES officer #3 etc).


FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Please find attached letter for your consideration.




Sonya Petreski

FOI Administration Assistant | Corporate Law Unit, Legal Group
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Level 2 | 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601 |
[1]http://www.[ACCC request email]
T: +61 2 6243 1244 | F: +61 2 6243 1210
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FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


Please find attached letter for your consideration.




Sonya Petreski

FOI Administration Assistant | Corporate Law Unit, Legal Group
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Level 2 | 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601 |
[1]http://www.[ACCC request email]
T: +61 2 6243 1244 | F: +61 2 6243 1210
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FOI, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission

1 Attachment

Good afternoon,


My apologies, I did not include attachment A in the ACCC ‘s decision


Please find enclosed attachment A.




Sonya Petreski

FOI Administration Assistant | Corporate Law Unit, Legal Group
Australian Competition & Consumer Commission
Level 2 | 23 Marcus Clarke Street Canberra 2601 |
[1]http://www.[ACCC request email]
T: +61 2 6243 1244 | F: +61 2 6243 1210
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IMPORTANT: This email from the Australian Competition and Consumer
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