Photographs and documents pertaining to the reported lost radioactive source, January 2023
Dear Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency,
I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for electronic copies of all photographs, email correspondence, written documentation and reports pertaining to the radiation source that was lost between Newman and Perth, Western Australia, as reported via various news media in January 2023.
Yours faithfully,
Dan Monceaux,
Adelaide, South Australia
Dear Dan Monceaux
I acknowledge receipt of your 2 February 2023 FOI request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982.
I will contact you soon regarding the exact terms of the scope of your request.
John Templeton
Legal Counsel
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]
Dear Dan Monceaux
Please find attached my FOI decision, nine documents released in part and one document released in full.
Reasons for my decision are set out in my decision.
This decision applies to the FOI request you sent to ARPANSA on the 2 February 2023 and the FOI request you sent to ANSTO on the 2 February 2023 (transferred to ARPANSA on 20/2/2023).
John Templeton
Legal Counsel
Privacy and FOI Officer
Office of the General Counsel
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
+612 95418345
[email address]