P&C Redesign
Dear Ambulance Victoria,
Seeking all electronic (email) correspondence between Rebecca Hodges ([email address]) and Tony Walker ([email address]) pertaining to the People & Culture Division (P&C redesign).
Yours faithfully,
Chas Spanti
[email address]
In order for this FOI request to be deemed valid, can you please provide me with the $27.20 FOI application fee.
This can be done by chq payable to Ambulance Victoria, or electronically. Bank Westpac. Bsb 033 395. Account number 245520. Account name: Ambulance Victoria
If paying by direct debit please email me the payment confirmation advice.
Can you also provide me with a date range of the documents required to assist me correctly identifying the documents required
Can you also let me know if you wish for your name to be de-identified when I ask staff from P&C for the documents
Ian Mounsey – Records & FOI Team Leader
Information & Technology
Ambulance Victoria.
Level 1, 31 Joseph St, Blackburn Nth
P: 9896 6181
M: 0401 629088