Organisation Chart Detailed

Currently waiting for a response from Water NSW, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Freedom of Information Officer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Freedom of Information Request

Under the Freedom of Information Act, I kindly request the following information:

1. Detailed Organisation Chart: Please provide the detailed organisation chart valid as of 01 June 2024, inclusive of all roles within the company. It is understood that a previous FOI request acquired a single-page executive leadership team organisational chart. This request is specifically for the detailed multi-page chart containing individual roles and the names of the persons holding those roles.

2. Contact Information for Spending Authority:
2.1 Please release the position, contact information and name of any persons holding those positions, for all positions that have the authority to approve expenditures greater than $10,000.
2.2 Please release the position, contact information and name of any persons holding those positions, for all positions that have the authority to approve expenditures greater than $20,000.
2.3 Please release the position, contact information and name of any persons holding those positions, for all positions that have the authority to approve expenditures greater than $30,000.
2.4 Please release the position, contact information and name of any persons holding those positions, for all positions that have the authority to approve expenditures greater than $50,000.
2.6 Please release the position, contact information and name of any persons holding those positions, for all positions that have the authority to approve expenditures greater than $100,000.

3. Please provide any documents, memorandums, Notes, web pages or other forms of information detailing WaterNSW's financial and spending approval policies.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please confirm receipt of this request and inform me of the estimated processing time. Should any part of this request require clarification, I am available to discuss it further.