number of 'Fatal Accidents' & number of 'Incidents' that occurred over the last 10 years, from 2005 until 2015 on the Lachlan Valley Way (B81) between the Hume (M31) and the township of Boorowa.

Michael Ward made this Government Information (Public Access) request to Ambulance Service of NSW

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

The request was refused by Ambulance Service of NSW.

Dear Ambulance Service of NSW,
Can you please provide me with the following information;

The number of 'Fatal Accidents' that occurred over the last 10
years, from 2005 until 2015 on the Lachlan Valley Way (B81) between
the Hume (M31) and the township of Boorowa.

Similarly, the number of non fatal incidents on the same stretch
of road, the Lachlan Valley Way (B81) between the Hume (M31) and the
township of Boorowa.

Yours faithfully,

Michael Ward
02 6385 3000
0408 986 727

GENERIC, generalenquiry, Ambulance Service of NSW



Dear Mr Ward


Thank you for your enquiry.


You are welcome to make a formal request under the Government Information
(Public Access) Act 2009 for this information. I’ve attached a link to
our website which contains information about the Act and an application
form you can use if you wish.  Applications must be accompanied by the
application fee of $30 (or $15 with a concession card). 




I am advised that we could provide a list of incidents that NSW Ambulance
has attended in the last 10 years for the location, however we would not
be able to provide a definitive number of ‘fatal’ or ‘non-fatal’
incidents. Motor vehicle accidents are not necessarily reported at the
time as “fatal” or “non-fatal” and in any case we do not classify our
records in this way. We may be able to search free text fields in our
computer aided dispatch system where the NSW Ambulance call-taker or
dispatcher has added comments based on reports by the caller that
patient(s) are deceased but this may not be 100% reliable; or attending
paramedics may report to the NSW Ambulance Control Centre that a patient
is deceased.


Note that requests of this type will attract processing fees ($30 per
hour). I’m advised at this stage of an estimated 5-6 hours processing








Leanne Robinson

Manager, Executive Support | Office of the Chief Executive

Locked Mail Bag 105, Rozelle NSW 2039





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