NSW slot machine sales by manufacture, by quarter from 2000

Pete Vanns made this Government Information (Public Access) request to NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing did not have the information requested.

Dear Liquor, Gaming and Racing, NSW Office of,

I would like to request access to NSW slot machine sales by manufacturer by quarter from 2000 to the most recent quarter (ending 31 Dec 15), if possible I would appreciate receipt, or access to, updated information each quarter.

Thank you for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Pete Vanns

Info OLGR,

This is an automated response.

Thank you for contacting Liquor & Gaming NSW, Customer Service Unit. Your
request has been received and placed in a queue for processing.

If we require further information we will respond to your email.


Customer Service Officer 

Customer Service Unit - OLGR 
NSW Department of Justice
Level 6 | 323 Castlereagh Street | Haymarket NSW 2000
GPO Box 7060  |  Sydney NSW 2001
T: (02) 9995 0300  |  E: [1][OLGR request email]

W: [2]www.liquorandgaming.justice.nsw.gov.au  |  [3]www.justice.nsw.gov.au


Our website has changed. Please update your bookmarks with our new
address: [4]www.liquorandgaming.justice.nsw.gov.au 

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Data OLGR,

1 Attachment

Hi Pete,
Sorry, I do not have access to gaming machines sales data.
For standard reports available please refer to attached order form.
Marina Rahman | Gaming Systems
Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority| NSW Justice

Level 7, 2-10 Valentine Ave   I   Parramatta NSW 2150

PO Box 8325   I   Parramatta Westfields NSW 2150

T: (02) 9842 8021 | F: (02) 9842 8675 | E: [email address
W: www.ilga.nsw.gov.au 

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