Nomenclature for Taiwan

David Reid made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Broadcasting Corporation

This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation did not have the information requested.

Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

The following request is made under the Freedom of Information Act. I would like access to documents from the ABC concerning the nomenclature used to refer to Taiwan in its reporting. These documents could include policies, guidelines, memos, emails, presentations and letters issued or available to reporters, producers and other editorial staff.

For historical and political reasons Taiwan is often required to use names such as "Chinese Taipei" or the "Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu" when participating in international organisations or events. I would like to know if the ABC has specific policies, guidelines or instructions about whether these terms should be used or if Taiwan should simply be referred to as Taiwan.

In particular I seek documents which may be related to reporting on the following issues and events:
(1) 2012 London Olympic Games;
(2) summits and meetings of APEC;
(3) the United Nations and affiliated bodies such as the World Health Organisation, UNFCCC and Civil Aviation Organisation;
(4) meetings of the WTO and negotiations surrounding free trade agreements; and
(5) territorial disputes in the "South China Sea" and Senkaku Islands.

Yours faithfully,

David Reid

Judith Maude, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Reid


Please see the attached in relation to your recent FOI request






[1]ABC Judith Maude
Head Corporate Governance
P +61 2 8333 5316 E [2][email address]
M 0412 898 657 F +61 2 8333 5480




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Dear Judith Maude,

Thanks for your reply. I will rephrase my request to make it simpler and hopefully easier for the ABC to meet. I will break my request into two parts:

(1) An official policy or editorial guideline available to editorial staff concerning appropriate terms to refer to Taiwan.

(2) Specific instructions that have been issued to staff reporting on issues involving Taiwan. This is likely to involve reporting on the issues mentioned in my original request. For example, how to refer to athletes representing Taiwan at sporting events or how to refer to Taiwan at meetings of APEC or the WTO. I only need a few recent examples of this. It doesn't need to be an exhaustive search.

I hope this clarification will make it easier for you.

Yours sincerely,

David Reid

Dear Australian Broadcasting Corporation,

I submitted a Freedom of Information request regarding the nomenclature for Taiwan via the website Right to Know website on 14 December 2012. Judith Maude of the ABC replied to my request on 18 December 2012. According to the law I should have received a response on the outcome of my request by 17 January 2013. However, I am yet to receive a response. Could you please look into this matter and ensure there is an appropriate response to my request as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

David Reid

Judith Maude, Australian Broadcasting Corporation

4 Attachments

Dear Mr Reid


My decision in relation to your recent FOI request is attached.





[1]ABC Judith Maude
Head Corporate Governance
P +61 2 8333 5316 E [2][email address]
M 0412 898 657 F +61 2 8333 5480





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Dear Judith Maude,

Thank you for your reply. Although the search reveals there are no documents within the scope of my request, this is still useful as it shows the ABC has no official policy regarding terms used to refer to Taiwan.

At this stage I have no intention of reviewing the request or submitting a similar request. Please consider this matter closed.

Yours sincerely,

David Reid