Noise Study - Ellenbrook to Daglish line

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, WA Public Transport Authority should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear WA Public Transport Authority,
FOI Request

I Jonathan Huston, of 122 Townshend Road Subiaco 6008, on behalf of the residents of Stubbs Terrace, Daglish and Railway Road, Subiaco, request under PTA's FOI Act obligations access to and copies of the all PTA or associated entity noise studies / reports or data collections conducted in the last 5 years pursuant to passenger rail activity or movements on rail sections, in whole or part therof between Daglish Station and the siding /rail split within 500m West of Daglish Station. Most especially as relates to the impact of the additional traffic caused by the Metronet expansion, Ellenbrook to Daglish.

Furthermore we request any engineering reports that detail upgrades to the Daglish rail siding to minimise rail noise as above, and the most current PTA sound and noise policy and thresholds that relates to community safety applicable to urban areas within 100m of PTA passenger rail track infrastructure. ( if any)

Please also provide the most current PTA noise mitigation standard operating procedure and technique documents that would be pertinent to mitigation of severe ( ie above LAeq 40db) rail noise on the rail fleet in PTA. ( in any)

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan Huston

Lomalagi, Litiana, WA Public Transport Authority

Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for taking the time to contact Transperth. 
Your feedback has now been forwarded onto the appropriate department for
actioning, a member of which should contact you within the next five
business days. Your customer reference number is 581783.
Should you have any further enquiries, please call the Transperth InfoLine
on 13 62 13.
If you wish to provide feedback regarding Transperth/PTA services or
facilities in future, please do so by either calling the Transperth
InfoLine on 13 62 13, or online at 
[1] per our
feedback reporting process.
Kindest regard, 
Website Correspondent
Transperth Customer Service


From: Jonathan Huston <[FOI #12655 email]>
Sent: 18 December 2024 22:12
To: Transperth Customer Service <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Noise Study - Ellenbrook to
Daglish line
Dear WA Public Transport Authority,
FOI Request

I Jonathan Huston, of 122 Townshend Road Subiaco 6008, on behalf of the
residents of Stubbs Terrace, Daglish and Railway Road, Subiaco, request
under PTA's FOI Act obligations access to and copies of the all PTA or
associated entity noise studies / reports or data collections conducted in
the last 5 years pursuant to passenger rail activity or movements on rail
sections, in whole or part therof between Daglish Station and the siding
/rail split within 500m West of Daglish Station. Most especially as
relates to the impact of the additional traffic caused by the Metronet
expansion, Ellenbrook to Daglish.

Furthermore we request any engineering reports that detail upgrades to the
Daglish rail siding to minimise rail noise as above, and the most current
PTA sound and noise policy and thresholds that relates to community safety
applicable to urban areas within 100m of PTA passenger rail track
infrastructure. ( if any)

Please also provide the most current PTA noise mitigation standard
operating procedure and technique documents that would be pertinent to
mitigation of severe ( ie above LAeq 40db) rail noise on the rail fleet in
PTA. ( in any)

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan Huston


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[FOI #12655 email]

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