New Methamphetamines & Ice Taskforce NSW
Dear Australian Crime Commission,
I wish to obtain all correspondence between Minister for Health Susan Fey & ACC between January 1 2015 and April 1 2015 in regards to the formation of the new methamphetamines taskforce creating a strategy for the drug Ice.
Yours faithfully,
Luke Cullen
Dear Mr. Cullen,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your request for
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
Kind regards,
Patrick Dale
FoI Coordinator | Australian Crime
Commission |
[ACC ext] 02 6243 6904 | [ACC
int] 36904 |
|[2] |
[1]cid:image001.jpg@01CDD926.B059EB40 [email address]
Visible links
Dear Mr. Cullen,
I am writing in relation to your request for documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth). I note that a decision in this matter is due to you by Monday 13 July 2015.
Searches up until this point have not located any documents within the scope of you request. However, I would like to make some additional requests of our IT team which will take a few days to process.
With this in mind I would like to ask if you would be willing to grant a brief extension of time (pursuant to s15AA of the FOI Act), until Friday 17 July 2015, to finalise your request?
Kind regards,
Patrick Dale
FoI Coordinator | Australian Crime Commission |
[ACC ext] 02 6243 6904 | [ACC int] 36904 |
| | [email address]
Dear foi,
That is fine to give an extension until the 17th July to help find the information needed.
Yours sincerely,
Luke Cullen
Dear Mr. Cullen,
Please see the attached correspondence in relation to your request for
documents under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
Kind regards,
Patrick Dale
FoI Coordinator | Australian Crime
Commission |
[ACC ext] 02 6243 6904 | [ACC
int] 36904 |
|[2] |
[1]cid:image001.jpg@01CDD926.B059EB40 [email address]
Visible links
Dear Mr. Cullen,
I refer to the below correspondence from the Office of the Australian
Information Commissioner. Assistant Commissioner Karen Toohey has granted
the ACC’s request for the decision date due to you in ACC FOI matter 15-14
to be extended to Friday 17 July 2015. I note that the decision was
provided to you on Thursday 16 July.
Kind regards,
Patrick Dale
FoI Coordinator | Australian Crime
Commission |
[ACC ext] 02 6243 6904 | [ACC
int] 36904 |
|[2] |
[1]cid:image001.jpg@01CDD926.B059EB40 [email address]
From: Karen Toohey [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Friday, 17 July 2015 10:20 AM
To: foi
Subject: RE: Section 15AC request - Australian Crime Commission - FOI
Dear Steven
Thanks for the information outlining the reasons for your request for an
extension of time of 4 days pursuant to s15AC.
This will give the Crime Commission until today, 17 July 2015 to process
the request.
In coming to this decision I have considered the factors you have outlined
below and that this extension of time will ensure the applicant receives a
well considered response.
I agree to grant the extension of time as requested below.
Karen Toohey | Assistant Commissioner
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Level 3, 175 Pitt Street Sydney NSW 2001
GPO Box 5218 SYDNEY NSW 2001 | [3]
Phone +61 2 9284 9894 | Fax +61 2 9284 9723
[4][email address]
From: foi [[5]mailto:[ACC request email]]
Sent: Tuesday, 14 July 2015 10:02 AM
To: Enquiries
Subject: Section 15AC request - Australian Crime Commission - FOI 15-14
Dear OAIC,
I am writing to request a s15AC extension for an FOI request made by
applicant Luke Cullen.
Mr. Cullen lodged his FOI Access request (complying with s15) with the ACC
on Friday 12 June 2015. A decision was due to him in this matter on Monday
13 July 2015.
The decision on this request is now deemed refused.
Period of s15AC extension sought
The Australian Crime Commission requests a four day extension under s15AC.
This would make the new due date for the decision Friday 17 July 2015.
Initial searches for the documents requested by Mr. Cullen failed to find
anything and the agency commenced preparing a decision on this basis.
However, following more detailed discussion with our Information
management team it became apparent that there was some additional searches
which could be conducted. The ACC believed it appropriate to conduct these
additional searches.
On Friday 10 July 2015 the ACC contacted the applicant (via email) and
sought an extension by agreement to Friday 17 July 2015 in order to allow
these searches to be undertaken. This morning the applicant responded,
indicating that he agreed to the extension (please see the attached email
correspondence). However, the response was after the deemed refusal period
had commenced.
The ACC intends to use the additional four days to undertake a more
exhaustive search of its holdings as on review of the process the FOI
coordinator deemed that the searches undertaken up until that point were
not satisfactory.
Your sincerely,
Patrick Dale
Patrick Dale
FoI Coordinator | Australian Crime
Commission |
[ACC ext] 02 6243 6904 | [ACC
int] 36904 |
|[7] |
[6]cid:image001.jpg@01CDD926.B059EB40 [8][email address]
Visible links
4. mailto:[email address]
5. mailto:[ACC request email]
8. mailto:[email address]