NCIRS Policy Governing Interaction of Staff with the Pharmaceutical Industry

Currently waiting for a response from NSW Ministry of Health, they should respond promptly and normally no later than (details).

Dear NSW Ministry of Health,

I am writing to request

(1) the document entitled 'NCIRS policy governing the interactions of staff members with the pharmaceutical industry' declared in the page 'Funding and Governance' hosted at

All and any updates or version changes of the documents dated from 2015 to current should be included.

(2) a list of all sources of income for the NCIRS from 2015 to current, by financial year. Individual payments over $10,000 should be listed. Individual payments below $10,000 should be aggregated by financial year.

(3) Annual financial reports covering years 2015-2023 inclusive.

Duplicates are not required.

Yours faithfully,

Amanda Hewitt

NSW Ministry of Health

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    Government Information Public Access request NCIRS Policy Governing Interaction of Staff with the Pharmaceutical Industry.txt

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